twenty one

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Harry's POV

I walked up to my room slowly, taken aback from what I had just agreed to. I hadn't been on actual date since high school. Ever since junior year, I had never found anyone that I was actually interested in. I had never called back the same girl or guy twice, and although I had explained it to Louis just five minutes ago, I don't think anything could actually describe how I felt now. I felt as though I was going to throw up, but I didn't have any bad feeling in my body. I knew Jacob would pick at me, calling me a Princess or some shit, but quite frankly nothing could bring me down from the high I had just gotten from Louis.

I walked in and sat down silently. I looked down at my phone to see a text from Lou that said, 'thank you.' It was simple but it still made me blush like an idiot and my stomach do a full turn. I laid back on my pillows and Jacob looked over from his side of the room. "How was your boyfriend's house?"

I nodded. "Lou's house was fine, not my boyfriend though."

"Not your boyfriend, you've just been together all weekend. Does he have some magical dick or something?"

I rolled my eyes, "That's just none of your business, is it?"

"So what happened? How many times did he cum?"

"You're disgusting you know."

He snickered at me. "That's not an answer."

"He asked me on a date."

"You're blushing like an idiot."

He was right, it's all I could do these past couple of days. All I did was think about Louis, and I couldn't help but act like some crushing little girl when his face came into my mind.

"I said yes."

"When? Where?" He asked simply, sitting up to pay more attention.

"Friday night. I don't know where yet. I'm guessing he'll decide, though."

"Do you like him?"

"I don't know what that feels like." I mumbled silently.

"How do you feel when you're around him?" He asked, now being more sympathetic since he got his messing around over with.

"My stomach does these fucking turns, but it doesn't exactly hurt. He's all I've been thinking about and I've only known him three days. I just don't get it."

"You like him." He said, beginning to grin like an idiot.

"I think you just want me to like him."

"This has nothing to do with me. You're the one coming back everyday acting like a school girl with a crush on the handsome new football player." He laughed at me, but I laughed back - because he was right. He's all I talked about this weekend, I don't even remember anything else from the festival besides the kisses we shared under the bright lights of the fireworks.

"He really likes me, I think."

"He asked you on a date. He either really likes you, or he's planning to murder you. Does he seem dangerous?" He joked.

I shook my head, grinning, "Not at all. He's precious - could never hurt a fly."

"He sounds really sweet from all I've heard. I must meet him before you go on this date."

"Absolutely not."

"Why not?" He exclaimed, loudly.

"Your mother isn't here to protect you, so I'm taking you under my wing."

I pulled out my phone as he said this. "No, you are certainly not." I began typing back to Louis as he continued talking about how he would call my sister and tell her I had a boyfriend if I didn't let him meet Lou before the date, she of course would not care.

H: My roommate is turning into my dad. Says he wants to meet you before this date.

L: Let him, then.

H: Absolutely not, he's crazy. About that date, though.

L: What about it?

H: Where exactly are we going?

L: That is a secret. I laughed a bit to myself, under my breath of course. I knew that it wasn't a secret. I would bet money that Louis just didn't have any sort of plan yet. He seemed like that kind of person - and I didn't hate it about him. I loved it quite a lot.

H: You don't know yet do you?

L: You don't know that. What if I already have our honeymoon flights planned and you're just completely oblivious?

I laughed again. I couldn't stop.

H: Ooh! Where are we going?

L: Where ever you want to go, sunshine.

H: Sunshine?

L: Of course, your smile lights up the room like nothing else I've seen before - sunshine.

H: Insightful, I was just going to call you Lover Boy for a while.

L: That's unoriginal. Come up with a better one.

H: Whatever you say, Boobear.

L: Sunshine and Boobear, we sound like we come on right between the Teletubies and the Wiggles.

H: You're the one who said you wanted a better nickname.

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