Chapter 33: Perving

Start from the beginning

"Sorry, un. Sasori-danna scares me more." He eyed the entrance to my burrow warily while I sweatdropped, shaking my head. My anger had slowly begun to diminish but I still wanted to punch the idiot.

"Get out, stupid."

He pouted, letting out a whine. "But Dasekiiiii! He'll kill me, un!"

"And you think I won't?" I growled.

"Nope! 'Cause if you wanted to kill me, I'd be dead already, yeah."

I sweatdropped, deciding to ignore that and set down my brush, pulling my hair up into a ponytail.

"Besides, who else would get you hot and bothered if I was dead, hmm?"

"Uh, dude? You don't in the first place." I deadpanned. He sweatdropped, walking over to me with a smirk slowly growing on his face.

"You sure about that, yeah?" He questioned, his lips skimming against my ear as he whispered in it.

"Yup." I replied, tightening the towel around me while I eyed the blonde warily. There was no telling what the pervert would do.

He looked down at me, eyes lingering on where my boobs were hidden under the towel. "I don't see why you still have that on. I've already seen everything, yeah."

My eye twitched and I banged my fist against the top of his head, causing him to yelp, his hands covering the spot. He looked at me with rivers of tears going down his eyes. "You're so abusive, un! First my arm now my head, yeah!"

I rose an eyebrow, glancing at his arm to see that his right one was pink and puckered, no doubt having been burnt in that last bomb I sent at the dumbass.

"Your fault for being stupid." I shrugged while he pouted, his arms curling around my shoulders. I let out a growl, scowling as I was forcefully tugged into his chest, my face pressed against his shirt.

"What the f-UCK!" I yelped, my arms wrapping around him tightly. He had located that spot on my back with his hand again.

"Jackass...." I hissed, whimpers escaping my lips as I tried to hold back a moan.

"You enjoy it, yeah." Was his only response while I felt his free hand trailing down my side until he got to the edge of the towel at my mid-thigh. My eyes widened and I went to stop him but was stopped by his hand biting my back again and I had to bite my tongue to stop any noises escaping.

"Hm....? What was that?" Deidara asked teasingly, his hand slipping under the towel.

"Stop- what the hell are you doing?!" I yelped, twitching as his hand stopped an inch away from my private parts, his hand starting to lick and bite at my skin.

"Payback, un. This is for being a tease on our mission, hmm." He whispered in my ear.

I groaned, wishing I could slap him but my arms were curled tightly around his neck and were refusing to let go.

"Who can't get you hot and bothered again, yeah?" He whispered seductively before disappearing. My eyes widened and I stumbled slightly, looking around.

My eyes narrowed and I growled, kicking the wall which he had pressed me against at some point and quickly got dressed in some black shorts going to my knees and a navy tank top.

I noticed that there was also a hickey on the inside of my thigh now, stupid bastard. With a sigh I grabbed my Akatsuki cloak, shrugging it on before transporting myself to the kitchen. Kisame was there and he glanced over at me before holding up the tub of blue ice cream he was eating.

"Want some?"

I nodded, grabbing a spoon from the drawer before sitting across from him, the ice cream set between us.

"So, Sasori wants to kill Deidara." Kisame said casually.

"Good." I muttered, grabbing another spoonful of the ice cream. Kisame just chuckled, shaking his head.

"You two just need to get together already."

"So, are you and Itachi official?" Was my reply, causing the fish to glare at me.

"Shut up. We're talking about you here."

I shrugged, pointing my spoon at him with a serious look. "You don't know what goes on behind closed doors, Kisa-chan."

His eye twitched at the nickname while he grunted. "And I don't WANT to know the details. I'll stick to my own sex life."

"Mm....the Weasel and the Shark....that'd make a good title for the video I filmed...." I said to myself, causing Kisame's eyes to widen.

"You didn't."

I smirked deviously, keeping silent. His voice blanched and he bolted from his chair, no doubt heading for his room. I laughed quietly, grabbing the tub of ice cream and my spoon before quickly following.

His door was slammed open and I skipped inside the room happily, watching as he started ripping the room apart. Itachi was over on his bed, leaning up from the mattress with sleep filled eyes. He had no doubt been taking a nap.

When I entered the room he glanced over at me in confusion and I grinned, going to answer but I closed my mouth, dodging the shoe that was aimed for my head. I glanced over at Kisame with a frown, seeing him glaring warningly beside his desk on all fours.

"Don't even think about it."

I rolled my eyes, sitting in the desk chair.

"Why, Kisa-chan? You scared?" He just grunted, continuing to rip apart the room while Itachi rubbed at his eyes.

"What's going on?" He sighed.

"I hid a-" I cut off as another shoe was thrown at me. I rolled my eyes, taking a bite of the ice cream while Kisame glared daggers at me.

"Shut up!" He snapped. I rolled my eyes, glancing over at Itachi.

"He's so agressive." I smirked at my underlying meaning and Itachi stared at me with an eye twitch.

"How would you know?" A grin stretched over my lips and I let out a snicker, going to answer but Kisame's hand covered my mouth. He was blushing as he looked over at the weasel sheepishly.

"She doesn't."

My eye twitched and I bit his hand, causing him to yelp and pull away. "Its 'cause I hid a camera in here!" I said quickly before the fish could stop me.

Itachi's face blanched and his eyes slowly skimmed over to Kisame. The shark boy just turned back to ripping apart the room while I snickered.

"You won't find it, dude. I already took the cameras out." He snapped his head around to glare at me and I smirked deviously, making a handsign. I disappeared right as he launched himself at me, my laugh echoing behind.

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