Chapter 24: Let It Rain

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WARNING: Lots of cussing....inappropriate types of cuss words, anyway. Don't blame me, I warned you.

~Chapter 24~

~Let It Rain~

I felt my eye twitch, looking at the alarm clock beside the hotel bed: 2:47 AM. The reason I was awake? Hidan's moaning.

I had TOLD those idiots. Damn Hidan can't keep damn his mouth shut. There was another loud moan and I growled, getting up from bed. I grabbed a sleep bomb from my tool belt which was sitting on the bedside table before stomping out into the hallway.

I stood in front of their door for a moment, eye twitching before I slammed open the door. I threw the bomb at the two people on the bed, yelling. "You horny motherfuckers! I can't sleep!"

Both their eyes widened before they passed out. I was thankful for the blanket covering their bodies and slammed the door shut before padding back into my room.

"Dumbasses. Every single one of them." I growled, slipping into my bed and instantly going to sleep.

"What the fuck was that?!" Hidan snapped, glaring at me as we stomped into the base.

"I said: you are an annoying fucking dumbass who doesn't have any idea what most people are saying, considering you barely have any brain cells. Plus I don't know how Kakuzu could even WANT to fuck you, considering you probably don't even have a dick, you little pussy!" I growled for the second time.

"Daaaamn." Someone dragged out and I glanced over to see Kisame and Deidara, who were sitting on the couch, staring at me wide-eyed.

"I do have a dick, you little bitch!" Hidan screamed. I sighed, flicking a hand in his direction and gaining control over his body with some chakra threads. His eyes widened and he looked at Kakuzu frantically.

"Fuck. Kakuzu, this is NOT my fault."

Kakuzu rose an eyebrow before he was suddenly jumped on by the Jashinist who straddled him. I smirked in amusement. "Maybe I should make a yaoi porno. Dei-dei, be a dear and get the video camera." I cooed, looking over at the shocked and appalled blonde.

"W-what, un?" He muttered, looking at me wide-eyed.

I sweatdropped before sighing and rolled my eyes, turning back to Hidan and making him start unzipping Kakuzu's cloak.

The man simply turned his head to look at me. "Had you not won me so much money for me in that casino yesterday, I would be killing you right now."

I shrugged, making Hidan grab onto Kakuzu's mask and begin to pull it off but Kakuzu threw the Jashinist off his body, quickly standing up.

"Don't mess with my, brat." He growled, starting to walk down the hall.

"Kakuzu." I cooed, sickly sweet. He paused and I pulled out a few thousand Ryo, handing it to Hidan when I made him come over. He glared at me, still trying to release himself.

"Have Hidan give you a strip tease. You can use this money to 'let it rain' to speak." I had Hidan walk over to the tall man, handing him the money. I smirked at his tensed shoulders, seeing as he was turned away from me. Eventually he growled to himself, dragging Hidan away.

I snickered, releasing the man from my chakra strings. I turned to Kisame and Deidara who looked crossed between amusement and disgust. "I always had my suspicions about those two." Kisame finally admitted.

Deidara and I nodded as I sat between the two, sighing in relief. It had been two days since the incident at the hotel and we had finally gotten back. Good thing too, cause I was sick of Hidan's constant chattering.

"Too be honest, I did too. Actually, I do about every Akatsuki member except Itachi, Konan, Deidara and Pain-sama." I nodded my head and Kisame blanched.

"Why am I not included?"

"Because I think you've got a thing for the Weasel." I leaned back in the couch, putting my arms behind my head as his jaw dropped.


Deidara snickered, suddenly wrapping his arm around me and snuggling the side of my head. "I can't say I disagree with her suspicions, un."

"You brats." He growled, eyes narrowing.

I smirked. "I can't help but to notice that your not denying it."

"I....ah fuck it!" He growled, getting up and stomping to the kitchen. I snickered before glancing back to Deidara.

"Actually, I lied. I had suspicions about you until you practically raped me. I thought you and Sasori were doing some weird S&M thing that involved his puppets and chakra strings."

The blondes face completely drained of color and he was on the other side of the couch in an instant, shouting with a blush and a look of disgust on his face. "That's disgusting, un! I would never be with Sasori-danna, yeah!"

"I would sure hope not." I glanced over at the hallway to see Sasori in his real body, glaring at the blonde.

"Yo, bro. Wassup? Been awhile since I seen you." I called in a lazy and bored tone, raising my hand in a half wave.

"....Daseki." Was his only answer before turning and walking away. I rose an eyebrow before turning back to the glaring Deidara, smirking.

"Y-you...." He growled. Before he could say anything, Konan walked in, looking at me.

"Pain wishes to see you." I blinked before nodding and following her to the leaders room. She gave one knock before we both entered, her going to stand by his side while I stood in front of his desk.

"Let me guess, another mission?" I questioned, stuffing my hands in my pockets.

He nodded, throwing me a scroll which I caught easily.

"You'll be on your own. Leave by ten tomorrow." He stated. I nodded, turning and walking out of the office with the scroll. I waved a hand over my shoulder lazily.

"Gotcha. Maybe this one will actually be a challenge." He grunted as I closed the door. I sighed, transporting myself into my 'room' and pulled off my clothes. I put on one of Deidara's shirts that I had stolen at some point and cuddled into my bed with a content sigh.


Authors Note

Ah....two chapters so fast x3 this should make up for my absence....btw, what's some yaoi Akatsuki couples you guys support? I may include them, depending on my view. Nothing including Deidara, Pain or Konan though. PainxKonan forever and obviously, Deidara's taken. Unofficially anyway.



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