Chapter 9: Got The Ring

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~Chapter 9~

~Got The Ring~

I scowled, walking through the dark, musky halls. This place was disgusting. I've already had to kill three people guarding the halls seeing as they wouldn't listen to reason.

This Orochimaru guy was a total bastard.

You're wondering why I'm at one of Orochimaru's base, right? Simple: I was getting my ring. Yes, my ring. It will be mine otherwise I couldn't join the Akatsuki officially.

So Pain had told me the location of the base and here I was.

Seeing as Orochimaru was the leader of the Sound Village (which Pain also told me) I figured that right now, during the Chunin Exams, people wouldn't be around as much seeing as they were fixing to mount their attack on the Leaf.

I headed into the room the last person I killed had instructed me too and saw a wrinkly left hand displayed on a shelf. I headed over, plucking the ring from the little finger before putting it on, glancing at the slate blue ring with the mankind for sky printed on it.

I nodded before making a handsign and disappearing. It took a lot of chakra but I appeared inside the lair in Ame and sighed in relief, walking down the hall to Pain's office. I knocked before allowing myself in.

He glared up at me and I wiggled my left hand for him to view. "Got the ring. Can I have my cloak now?"

Pain scowled at me before waving a hand to the chair in front of his desk. I walked over seeing the folded black and red cloak. I smirked, pulling off my shawl and folded it before stuffing it in my weapons pouch. I grabbed the cloak, pulling it on and left it unbuttoned. It was a perfect fit.

Pain looked up and nodded. "Good. It fit. Now, follow me. A meeting is about to commence and you shall be introduced to everyone."

I nodded, following him as he got up and walked to the door. I followed him down the hall and into a waiting room. He gestured for me to sight on his right side while he sat and the very front of the table. Konan came in after us, sitting across from me.

Pain and I exchanged a nod of greeting, her returning it. A few moments later came Kisame, looking over at me in surprise. He smirked, coming over to sit next to me.

"How's your ribs, kid?" He teased.

"How's your balls, fish stick?" I replied, resting an elbow on the table and my chin in my hand. He glowered at me before snorting.

Meanwhile there was a loud laugh at the door. "Who's the bitch, Kisame? She the one that fucking kicked you in the nuts?!" It was a silver haired man, a large smirk adorning his face. His cloak was left open and he only wore a pair of shoes and pants underneath. There was a Jashin necklace around his neck and I only recognized the symbol because of a book I once read.

I scowled at the man while he took a seat further down the table. Next came Deidara followed by a tall man with a mask covering half his face and allowing my only to see his red and green eyes. They both sat down while a black haired man with blood red eyes came in, sitting next to Kisame. Then there was a plant-like man that materialized from the wall and took a seat followed by a hyper man-child in an orange mask came running in, excitedly taking a seat.

Finally a short man with shaggy red hair much like mine and matching amber eyes came in and took a seat next to Deidara. Everyone turned their attention to Pain even though I could feel a few eyes on myself.

"Everyone, I've called this meeting to announce a new member to the Akatsuki." He shifted his gaze to me and I sighed, looking at all of them.

"Yo." I stated, my tone and face blank.

"Why the hell is a child joining us?! We already have Tobi and Deidara-chan!" The Jashinist exclaimed, causing the blond man to yell at him while I simply raised an eyebrow.

"She's passed our entrance requirements. She defeated Kisame and even snuck into Orochimaru's base and stole the tenth ring back." Everyone paused, turning to me as I twiddled my left hand, the one my chin was rested against.

"Who is she anyway?" The red and green eyed man asked.

"A person?" I replied boredly, earning a glare from him and a snicker from Kisame, Deidara and the Jashinist."

"First we'll introduce everyone." Pain said, turning his attention to me. I nodded and he glanced at Kisame to start.

"I'm Kisame, as you've already learned." The fish stick grunted. I nodded, glancing over at Konan.

"Konan." She stated simply even though I already knew.

"Itachi." The red-eyed dude said beside Kisame as I turned my attention to him. It went on like this as I learned Hidan, Tobi, Zetsu, Deidara and Kakuzu. Finally at the end was the red head, who unlike everyone else added his last name.

"Sasori Akasuna." My eyes widened and I looked over the man again, disbelief clear on my features. Hidan glanced at my expression, furrowed his eyebrows then turned to Sasori.

"Why's she fucking acting like that? She know you?" Sasori simply shrugged as I scowled.

"He knew me around twenty three years ago I suppose. I'm his little sister, Daseki Akasuna." Everyone looked at me in shock, along with Sasori.

"What? How old are you?" Kisame asked, looking me over again.


"Yet you say you've been missing for twenty-three years?" Itachi asked beside him. I rolled my eyes.

"The explanation of my disappearance and age is a very long, very confusing one. I barely understand it myself. So, as such, I'm not going to waste my time trying to explain it." They stared at me but after a few moments returned their attention to Pain, except for Sasori. He wouldn't take his eyes off me, unfortunately.

"Anyway, that was it. Dismissed." Everyone got up and started exiting the meeting room except Zetsu, who sunk into the floor, Tobi, who disappeared, Deidara and Sasori. The latter two waited until everyone left until the turned to me.

"Are you really Sasori-danna's sister, yeah?" Deidara asked.

"Yeah." I answered, shrugging. He nodded before also leaving the room. With everyone gone Sasori finally spoke, meeting his amber eyes with my own.

"We need to talk."


Authors Note

Yo \(^~^)/ wassup, yeah? I think this was good so....yeah. I know I uploaded later then planned but at least I still did, hmm.



Daseki of the Red Sand [Naruto Fanfic]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora