Chapter 10: Ice Cream

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~Chapter 10~

~Ice Cream~

I rose an eyebrow, snorting. "No 'hello sister. How nice it is to see you again'? Then I'm not exactly in the position to speak...."

I shrugged as he looked over me again. "Show me the tattoos." He ordered. I scowled at him but moved aside my bangs for him to see the bat wings and then pulled off my cloak enough to see the scorpion on my shoulder.

Once he saw that he leaned back in his chair, pinching the bridge of his nose between two fingers.

"Where have you been?" He questioned.

"A different dimension. Its destroyed now though. A meteor crashed into the planet." I shrugged and he furrowed his eyebrows at me.


"I speak the truth." I told him, shrugging before getting up from my chair and heading towards the door behind him.

"It was nice to meet my brother, I suppose. By the way...." I trailed off, punching him in the face. His back slammed against the wall beside the door which had opened. Hidan's mouth dropped but I ignored him, walking up to Sasori as he stood up and glared at me. The sad thing? He was only two inches taller than me.

"That was for Chiyo." I whispered in his ear before walking calmly out of the room, Hidan moving for me.

"Daaaamn. I like you, bitch." Hidan stated, catching up and walking beside me. I looked at him out of the corner of my eye, frowning.

"Do always cuss?"

"Fuck yeah."

I chuckled, shaking my head. "Alright then. So, you're a Jashinist?" I questioned, walking into the kitchen. He blinked in surprise while I looked in the fridge.

"How'd you fucking know?"

I had my head in the fridge so I just pointed in his direction. "Necklace. Read about the religion in a book once."

"Oh...." I heard him walking away and I straightened my back, opening a can of soda and took a sip.

It kinda tasted like Mountain Dew so I memorized the name, taking a seat on the kitchen counter.

After I took the last sip, Kisame entered the kitchen, seeming as if he was looking for something. When he saw me he nodded.

"Kid, Pain's assigned you to Sasori and Deidara's team. He sent me to tell you." I frowned, crushing the can in my hand.

"Dammit. I rather be on your team, fish stick." I sighed.

"Family issues?" He asked, smirking.

"Hidan told y'all I punched Sasori, didn't he?" I asked. Kisame nodded, smiling sharkily and I chuckled, throwing the soda can in the trash before shuffling through the freezer.

"Why'd you punch him anyway?"

"Promised my granny I would if I ever saw him." I answered, shrugging. I pulled out a tub of ice cream and searched through drawers until I found a spoon.

I sat on the counter again, crossing my legs and started eating. Kisame sweatdropped, taking a seat at the large dining table which took up a large portion of the kitchen.

"So, why'd you join the Akatsuki?" He asked. Deidara's had walked in at that point and was no doubt eavesdropping as he looked through the freezer.

"The Kazekage tried to force me to do something I refused to do. So I blew him up. Well, tried to anyway." I shrugged while Kisame let out a laugh and Deidara looked mildly interested.

"Do you use explosives regularly, un?" He asked. I nodded, pulling out one of my weakest explosive balls.

I slammed it against the ground, causing a miniscule explosion.

"That's my weakest one. I haven't been able to test my strongest one yet. The one I used against fish stick over there was only a four outta ten."

"The hell? Really?" Kisame asked and I nodded, taking another bite of ice cream.

Deidara's eyes glanced to the ice cream and he looked back at my face, glaring. "That's mine, yeah!"

I scowled, taking another bite. "Mine now."

"What the hell! Give me it!" He ordered, reaching to take it but I smacked my spoon against his knuckles. He scowled, flinching before reaching for it again.

"Give me it, un! It's mine!"

"No!" I disappeared, sitting on the table in front of Kisame. He was sitting sideways, watching where I used to be and where Deidara was spazzing, his face reddening.

"I want my ice cream, dammit!" He yelled. I snickered, causing the two men to jump and look at my new spot.

"You're pissing me off, yeah." Deidara growled.

I tilted my head. "Oh well. I piss off a lot of people."

He let out an weird growl noise before launching himself at me. I disappeared again, sitting back on the counter as Deidara faceplanted on the table.

Kisame broke into loud laughter while I snorted, eating the last bit of ice cream. Deidara's head snapped over to me, glaring as I put the cap back on the tub. I climbed off the counter, leaving the ice cream tub there before tossing my spoon in the sink and leaving.

"I'm full."

I could hear Deidara's footsteps as he ran over to the counter then the yell of anger as I walked into the hallway.

"Daseki! You ate all of it, un! I'm gone kill you!"


Authors Note

Yo ._. Wassup, yeah? Enjoy it? Good. Heh. I love Kisame and Deidara xP


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