Chapter 31: New Mission

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~Chapter 31~

~New Mission~

When we got into the warehouse, I smirked, making a hand sign for the Toketsu Fukashi. Zetsu took that as the sign to melt into the ground.

I sighed, walking over to the crowd of gang members who were surrounding a small stage which held only one man on it, most likely being the leader of this whole thing. My thoughts were confirmed when he started to speak. "Alright, everyone. I'm Jakkasu Musoji in case you're new to the gang. I'm the leader." I rolled my eyes, trying hard to hold back the urge to shout 'obviously'.

"I called this meeting to discuss our future plans. I heard the Akatsuki are harboring inside Amegakure so, our mission is to find a member and kill them." My eyebrows lifted and I suppressed a snicker. 'They think they could KILL one of us? Shit, I should be doing this mission on my own! I can kill 'em all with one move! Heh....Kasai Satsujin would do the trick....'

"Why are we going after the Akatsuki?" One guy asked.

"Have you seen their bounties? With that money we can get our gang really running!" The leader exclaimed. I sweatdropped, glancing to the side as I saw Zetsu form out of the ground behind someone. He pulled out a kunai, slicing the head off the body with a single cut.

I tilted my head, guessing this was the signal to move. I pulled out my poison bombs, throwing them into the crowd. Upon impact they exploded in a purple mist, instantly killing whoever took one breath.

"What the hell?!" The leader yelled. I snickered, making handsigns.

"Kurai Rosuta!" I mumbled, blowing out multiple single shot flames that instantly cremated whatever thing it hit. And by things, I meant person.

"Where's that coming from?!" One member screeched, looking around at the fire and the beheaded bodies. Guess Zetsu had decided to go back into the ground.

I rolled my eyes, taking off the Toketsu Fukashi causing everyone to turn to me. My cloak was billowing softly in the wind, causing me to appear as a beautiful- ha! Sorry. Anyway, they caught sight of my Akatsuki cloak, their eyes widening in shock.

"Kill her!" The leader shouted.

I rolled my eyes, making handsigns for the Kurai Rosuta again. "Bye-bye, dumbasses."

I smirked as the flames shot every remaining member except for the leader who looked terrified.

" little!" I chuckled as Zetsu appeared behind him, his kunai cutting off his head.

I looked around at the multiple piles of ashes and at the heads severed from their bodies.

"Alright. I'll leave you to your meal and report back to Pain." Zetsu nodded while I headed out of the warehouse, launching myself up into the trees.

"Well that was fast." Pain stated, looking up from his desk at me as I entered his office.

I shrugged. "It wasn't that hard. We killed 'em all before they could fight back."

"Where's Zetsu?" I stared at him blankly, raising an eyebrow.

He nodded. "Ah. Lunch."

"Yeah....what's my next mission?" I asked curiously.

"You're going with Deidara. Leave tomorrow." He told me, holding out a scroll.

"Mk." I mumbled, grabbing the scroll before walking out into the hallway. I opened up the scroll curiously, reading quickly. 'Well....this will be interesting....wonder what blondie's reaction will be.'

"Dei-dei~!" I called, rolling up the scroll. I skipped into the living room, looking around.

"What, un?" He muttered, walking out of the kitchen only in a pair of black sweatpants.

I paused, tilting my head. "Did you just wake up?"

He scratched the back of his head, smiling sheepishly. "Yeah...."

"No comment." I mumbled, shaking my head. In the next second I suddenly pounced on him, making him stumble before falling to the floor.

"W-what....what're you doing, yeah?" He muttered, watching me curiously as I hugged him, nuzzling against his neck.

"We got a mission." I told him. He rose an eyebrow, one of his arms wrapping around my waist.

"Really, un? Then why are you hugging me, hmm?"

"I don't know. Felt the sudden urge to. Here." I pulled away from him, standing up. I helped him up as well before handing over the scroll.

He opened it curiously, reading over it before his face blanched. "We hafta do what now, un?!"

I smirked, nodding. "Prepare to be a stripper, Dei-dei."

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