Ch. 24

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This is the last chapter and I just thought about how I don't really like Sophie Turner as Sarah Parker. And because I wanna do a sequel I'm seriously thinking about changing it now.

I know...

But because I have no freaking clue about who I want to portray Sarah Parker

I will leave that decision to you!

Comment below and let me know who you would want to portray Sarah Parker!!!!!!!

It's super important to me because I DO wanna make a sequel and I wanna feel good about the cast. So comment! Please.



I had texted Connor an hour ago, asking him to tell me where he met Zayn. When he texted back I realized the address he provided was that of his old house.

So he never got rid of his old home either.

I got on the way immediately, wanting to clear things up with Zayn as soon as possible. We may not get back together right away but I had a good feeling we would find our way back to each other in the future. My gut feeling told me, and my gut feeling was never wrong.

I made a right turn and was able to see Zayn's house in the distance when my phone rang in the empty seat next to me.

Whoever it was, it had to wait.

Eventually the ringing stopped, only to start again after a few seconds. I sighed and stopped the car on the side of the road. I looked at the display and sighed again when I saw Connor's name.

Really bad timing Connor! I will call y-

Sarah, turn around!



I peeled the phone off my ear and stared at it. The call came definitely from Connor's home number. Why was Joy talking to me?

Listen to me Sarah! You have to turn around!

Wh... What?

I know where you are and what you're planning to do and I'm telling you, don't!


Just don't! I can't explain it to you, but you have to listen to me.

I'm going to hang up now and finish what I came here for.

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