Ch. 3

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The next day...

Joy's p.o.v.


Hey Styles.

Hey, can you do me a favor?

Sure, what is it?

Can you send Sarah over to Zayn's? I know she told you to go get her stuff but I'd rather you send her. It's about something very important we all need to talk about.

I don't understand...

Please, Joy. Just do this one thing for me!

Fine. Whatever. I'll see what I can do. But I wouldn't keep my hopes up.

Thank you, Joy!

"Who was that on the phone?" Sarah came up behind me.

"Um, I was called into work." I stammered.

"I thought you took the day off?"

"Yeah, someone called in sick." I quickly added.

"Who will pick up my stuff now?"

"You can go!"

"Not in a million years."

"Sarah. Zayn's not gonna be there. You can go, pick up your stuff and leave."

"Ugh, fine! I'll go."

She traded her sweatpants for a pair of skinny jeans and grabbed a cardigan from my closet.

"I'll see you tonight, for dinner?" She called after me.

"Yes." I answered and she closed the door behind her.

Sarah's p.o.v.

It took me longer than expected to arrive at Zayn's house.

Technically speaking, it's your house too!

I chuckled out loud as I stopped the engine and climbed out of my car. I retrieved the keys from my pocket and slowly opened the door.

It was quiet inside and everything looked the way I left it. The flowers however were wilted.

What an irony!

I slowly climbed up the stairs and was finally standing in front of the bedroom door. When I touched the door handle the haunting images returned. I let go and shook my head frantically. I took a few deep breaths before I reached out for the door again.

When I opened the door I wasn't expecting to find so many people crowded in one place.

Thinking they must of somehow planned this, I decided to not play their game.

"When I said I would have someone come and pick up my stuff I expected the house to be empty." I stated without making eye contact.

"You said Joy would come. Why didn't she come?"

"I think you know exactly why, Louis. I bet you were the mastermind behind all this." I retorted.

I heard Zayn sigh but didn't react. I was too busy gathering all my belongings. I wanted to be out of there as fast as possible.

Pretence (Zayn Malik Fanfic)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt