Ch. 19

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*Joy's p.o.v.*

"Can I ask you something?"

"Sure!" Sarah was currently sitting in the living room, watching old O.C., California episodes on DVD. I was in the kitchen mixing margaritas.

I had suggested a girls night in, since the press conference was scheduled for tomorrow. I was going to take Sarah's mind off tommorow rather than letting her prepare her speech.

"What did Zayn and you talk about yesterday?"

"What?!" Came a muffled sound from the living room.

"When I came back in I noticed you were sad about something. Did he say anything to upset you?"

"No! No, he was very friendly." She said slowly.

"What happened then?"

"You don't wanna hear it, J!"

"I wouldn't have asked if I didn't wanna hear it! So, spill!" I said as I placed a full glass down in front of her.

"He tried to talk me out of it." She began.

"And that made you sad?"

"I told him I couldn't, that I had to fight for the one thing that I had left."

"I understand." I replied.

"No, you don't. But it's okay."

"Sarah! I understand."

My voice forced her to turn around and look at me. She teared her gaze off the screen and her eyes lowered to the ground.

"He came by this morning. 15 minutes after you left. I personally think he was waiting outside, making sure you were gone before he came up." I said and sparked Sarah's interest.

"He came to see you? But why?"

"I was wondering the same thing. I asked him what you two were talking about and I could tell he wasn't telling me the whole story either."

"I know my words hurt him, I just don't know why. He's not supposed to have feelings for me anymore."

"Are you sure?" I asked warily.

"I didn't ask for confirmation if that's what you're hinting at."

"Maybe you should. After all he was here yesterday. He came to support you."

"It doesn't have to mean anything. He was just being polite."

"Sure." I knew when to drop a conversation when it came to Sarah. She didn't wanna talk about it, and I couldn't make her. When the right time comes I know she will come talk to me.

The next morning...

Joy and I got ready and waited for Connor to pick us up. The press conference was in three hours and I wasn't sure if I was going to make it. My heart was racing, my head was pounding and my feet couldn't carry me. For a short moment regret washed over me, but it was too late to blow the press conference off. I needed to calm down and focus. Get it over with, so I can save dad's company from falling apart.

It's funny. I never stopped calling him dad. He was my father, I was looking up to him. Joy was my sister, I was looking up to her. But Caitlyn, Caitlyn was never a mother to me. Always cold, always distant. I said to myself it was her way of preparing me for the real world out there. Teach me discipline and strength. Often I would crave affection, affection Joy was receiving constantly. Whenever dad wasn't around I could tell Caitlyn was avoiding me. After dad died it got worse. I never knew what my relationship to her was, but she never acted like a mother towards me.

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