"Believe me I'm way older than I look, but that ain't what I'm here for. Zahra is why I'm here."

"The fuck that gotta do with me man?"

"Heh, yup I was just like you. You feel that connection with her, but you wanna deny it."

"I don't feel shit for her, she's the enemy." He cackled, wildly.

"Youngin' you have yet to find out who the real enemy is. Keep an eye on your girl though she'll need you that's when everything gone fall in place." The fuck?

"Nigga what the fuck are you talking about? And Zah ain't my damn girl!" He cackled again.

"The fact that you automatically knew I was talking about her without even using her name proves it. She's yours protect her youngin." He smiled with his gold fade now gone. I watched him fade into the darkness with his words echoing inside my head.

I jolted awake, that was a weird as fuck. The fuck that nigga mean she's mines? For some reason I feel like I need to take what he said seriously. I'm gonna keep icing her out, or at least try to until I gotta so called protect her. But right now I need to clear my head, that dream fucked me up. I throw on my black sweatpants, grab my keys, lock up the house, and peel out the driveway. I really don't know where I'm going I'm just driving, about a good I'll say fifty minutes into me driving I see a girl on the sidewalk hunched over. She must have been catching her breath, judging by what she was wearing I assumed she was on a midnight run.

"Yo, excuse me miss don't you think it's dangerous to be out this late?" She looked up with her mouth agape. Zahra?

"I can handle myself Breezy." I hated when she called me that, she always said it with so much hate.

"You sure? Lot of crazy niggas be out at night."

"Then you must be one of them." That's it, I stop my car completely and get out.

"What you not gone do is disrespect me when all I'm tryin' to do be nice and help yo ass!" I growled. Her brows furrowed, and her lips curled into a snarl before she spoke.

"Nigga I could give two fucks about you being nice to me. We're enemies, the war between our parents could damn well become ours any day! I don't like you and you don't like me right? Let's keep it that way." She started to walk away, but I grabbed her arm, and turned her towards me. Damn she got some beautiful eyes.

"Thank you." She giggled out. Damn did I say that out loud? She nodded answering my question which I also said out loud. I let go of her arm, and told her she could continue her run, while I got back in the car. Cranking it up I heard the passenger door open and shut, Zahra was sitting it the passenger seat.

"I don't know why, but I changed my mind about that ride. I know you won't take me straight home, but for some reason I know you will when we're done." I peeled off into the night rode with her until we were just outside of Compton. There's a lakeside view I always go to, we got out and sat on the hood of my car just gazing at the sky.

"Ya know I can't do this with Draya. I try to treat her like she's the crews hoe, but she keeps acting like one."

"You do know she only wants to be with you most cause you'll lead your dad's gang." She spoke honestly. I disregarded her answer because I know it's true, but Draya's the only one that stuck with me through everything.

"Why do you hate me so much?" Shit a nigga wants to know.

"Honestly I didn't when I first looked in your eyes. But when my brother said your gang name my impression changed on you. Like knowing who you really were made me hate you."

"But you already knew who I was when you met me." She shook her head.

"No, I only know your gang names, never even knew what you looked like. My dad never wanted me to have anything to do with this life. That's why I've been in a private school up until now. Julian's known about this life since we were kids Honey too. Me I was left in the dark until I was eleven, so I knew the minute I heard my brother say Breezy that I was supposed to hate you." I heard her mumble something, but I didn't bother to ask.

"Well can I get a little less hate we been out here damn near an hour and you still alive." I joked. She smiled, damn it was beautiful.

"You really gotta learn to keep your thoughts in your head, but thank you. And I guess I can ease up on the bitching." She punched me in my shoulder, and I gently shoved her back.

"So why were you out so late?" I asked.

"Just to clear my head, I always do late night runs to clear my head. What about you?" Should I tell her the truth or lie? I mean I could tell her a lie, and keep this normal conversation going, or I can tell the truth creep her out, and make go back to hating me.

"Some dream I had kinda messed me up. So I went for a drive to clear my head." I answered short.

"What was it about?"

"Supposedly there's this girl I know nothing about that's meant to be mines." I could see in her face that she wanted me to keep going, so I did. "Some guy kept calling out to me, when I finally found him he told me there's gonna come a time where I have to protect her. Said I need to keep an eye on her."

"Did he mention her name?" Of course I'm not gonna tell her that.

"No." By the way she looked at me it was like she either thought I was lying, or she believed me from experience. Whatever it was in her eyes I wasn't gonna worry about.

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