Start from the beginning

Take Shoto Aizawa. A famous, well rounded man with all the money he could have, making him pretty stuck up and overconfident, and he believed he could get whatever he desired. He was the dealer from Suzuki Inc. trying to get a loan from his bank, and Hinata was speaking to him politely. He was walking into the coffee shop, but heard them talking, so he listened in for a bit. 

"I must say, Miss Hinata, your appearances never cease to shock me." He slimly said. Naruto gritted his teeth.

"I'd prefer Mrs. Uzumaki, please." Hinata politely said. Narutos chest puffed, and he bit his lip to contain the pride he felt. 

"Ah, yes, Mrs. Uzumaki. The work is never ending, I assume?" Mr. Aizawa asked.

"Hmm?" Hinata asked, confusion clear in his voice.

"The work. So many deals you must get. So much paperwork, not enough to breath, and to work with such a low class? What a hardship... I cannot believe your husband would allow that." 

"I see. My work comes with a fair share of effort I must put in. It takes time, but I'm proud that I do it."

"If you come with I, Mrs. Uzumaki, you wouldn't have to suffer as much. You can rest peacefully an-,"

"Thank you for the offer, but I'm fine where I am." Hinata coldly said. Naruto clenched his fist. Shoto Aizawa was the lowest of the low, lower then all the perverts who hit on his wife. He insulted Hinata, his business, his workers and him. Stretching out his hands, he gave a dark smile... it was time to teach this smarmy dealer a lesson.


One could see the blue haired beauty was getting flustered by the dealer. Hinata wished Naruto would arrive onto the scene and her at her request, the tall, blonde haired man walked to where she and Mr. Aizawa were sitting. 

"Hello Hime!" The deep, cheerful voice called out, and she smiled. Standing up, she took his hand and introduced Mr. Aizawa, who was stood up, his attitude completely different from before, and he bowed down towards the man in a sign of respect. Anyone could see the man was trembling slightly from the presence of Naruto.

"Mr. Aizawa, this is my husband, Naruto Uzumaki, president of Uzumaki Banking Enterprises." Naruto chuckled, and gave a slight kiss to his wife, who turned a shade crimson and looked away, smiling. Shoto looked incredulously at the man, dumbfounded at how bluntly he showed his affection for his wife.

"Ah, Hime! No need for such formalities! Lets sit down and eat. I hear the apple turnovers at this coffee shop are to DIE for, right Mr. Aizawa?" Naruto elongated 'die', looking at Mr. Aizawa, who nodded slightly. The negotiator looked at the man across from him, noticing light features. His blond hair seemed more spiker then when he first met him, his blue eyes narrower. The smile on his face seemed as if fangs would bare any minute, and his overall appearance was terrifying. Naruto Uzumaki was rich, powerful and absolutely horrifying. Though Hinata, she looked completely at ease by him, showing no signs of fear. How was that possible? 

"Mr. Aizawa? Mr. Aizawa?" Hinata tapped on his shoulder, and he jumped. Naruto and Hinata looked expectantly at the man, and he put on a fake smile.

"I-I, was l-lost on thought... V-very sorry, c-could you r-repeat what you s-said?" He quickly stammered. Naruto internally chuckled... his plan was going well.

"Mr. Aizawa?" He asked, smirking inside of how funny the "poor" man looked.


"We can reschedule for a day, ya know? Its never good to make deals or present when your tired. Why, I remember when I didn't have any of Hinata's rice balls and some of her sushi, I couldn't even attend my meeting."  Shoto nodded politely.

"O-of course, I w-would appreciate that," No way! This guy is scary, I'd rather never meet him again!

"Are you sure?"

"Y-yes... I-it would b-be rude n-not to take up your offer." Please let me never meet this man again, Hinata can keep him all she wants!

"All righty then! Lets see, is the twelfth of November all right for you?"


"Okay, lets meet again soon. I'll be leaving with Hinata now. I hope you will be well rested for the next meeting!" With that, the couple left and Shoto sighed in relief. 

He'd send someone else to negotiate with the terrifying man instead of himself.


"Naruto! That was mean!" Hinata said as they got into her car. Naruto had been dropped off by a limo, and he decided he'd go home for the rest of the day. Shikamaru could do the work. As he drove down the road, Naruto answered her back with a smile.

"What do you mean?"

"You know what I mean."


"You can be so cruel sometimes... you scared the poor man!"

"It was only because he was complimenting and looking at you pervy."

"How'd you know? Also you seriously say the word pervy?"

"Yeah, yeah. I have my ways, -ttebayo."

"You do know its because they want me to put in a good word for you."

Naruto looked incredulous at his wife as he pulled up into the driveway. He got out and opened the door for Hinata, who narrowed her eyes.

"I'm perfectly capable of opening my door," She said with a smile.

"Doesn't mean I can't still do it for you. I'm a chivalrous man. And what do you mean, a good word?" He asked at they walked into the door.

"They compliment me so I put a good word for you."

"You don't get- Never mind. Want to wake up the kids and go to Red Lobster? I'm dying for some of their spinach dip!" Naruto said as he burst out laughing at his wife's adorableness... she still didn't get why!

"Hmm, all right. Let me pay Hanabi first." As Hinata walked towards the kitchen where Hanabi was peeking from, he walked up the stairs and sighed.

She still doesn't get that people compliment her because of how beautiful she is, inside and out He said as he shook his head, and peered down at his sleeping children.

I'll make her see that she is....


Last NaruHina oneshot! How was it?

-Alica Roux

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