I Will Always Love You

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I stared at Hinata as she came down, towards the altar.

Memories flashed quickly through my mind.

"Um, here. Ointment for your injuries."

"I'm not afraid to die protecting you, because I love you!"

"Always going ahead and not going against ones word. Thats my ninja way too!"

My heart overcame with such emotion. I remembered how she smiled at me, blushed, held my hand during the war. Her words, her warmth. How she was the first one to love me even when everyone hated me.

Why didn't I tell her my true feelings? Why did it take me so many years, that when I finally figured it out, I lost her. Her, my one and only soulmate, the one I've loved blindly over the years, now realizing how much love I have for her...

That she's marrying Kiba Inazuka?

That when right before I figured out I love her, she told me words I won't ever forget.

"Naruto-kun? I have to say something."

"Yeah, whats up?"

"I'm going to give up on you. I can't take it anymore. I want to move on. Henceforth,  from this day, I am no longer in love with you."

And then she walked away. Leaving me speechless.

How Kiba, after she said she didn't love me anymore, supported her and helped her. How then they both fell into love.

And here I was, Naruto Uzumaki.

If I only figured out I loved her so much before she told me that she was giving up.

Then I would've been at that altar today, in a tuxedo, grinning as Hinata stepped onto the altar, and kissing her after the priest said You may kiss the bride.

The ceremony was over. I walked out of that place. That place where my true love got married to Kiba. I couldn't stand another minute in there.

Walking away, I went to a bench that served so many memories for me. Where Sasuke left and Sakura tried to stop him. Where we passed the bench to leave Konoha for a mission.

Where Hinata told me she gave up on me.

I sat down on the bench and slumped. This was officially the worst day of my life. The person I love married someone else.

I couldn't stand it anymore. I stared to cry. No, scratch that. I sobbed.

I lost her! I lost the one person who loved me the was I was when everyone hated me. The person who shone light quietly from the shadows when I didn't notice it, until it left at the last second.

"Naruto-kun?" A sweet voice rung to my ears. Only one person calls me that. Naruto-kun.

I raised my head.  Hinata was right in front of me. She changed out of her wedding dress into a beautiful cream dress, for the reception. It had lace all over it. Her hair was let loose with rose pins stuck into it.

I sucked in my breath. Her appearance was breathtaking. Dazzling. Astonishing. Beautiful.

"Are you okay, Naruto-kun? You look a little upset? Everything all right?" Hinata said in melodic voice. I closed my eyes. Then I opened them.

"Yeah! I-I, j-just had some bad food before the wedding. A little indigestion, thats all. Anyways, aren't you supposed to be with Kiba, for the reception?" I lied, showing her a fake smile. I prayed she would believe me.

Hinata tilted her head. Her face looked like she didn't believe me.

"Oh, yeah. Kiba sent me here, because he was worried about you. I mean, you ran off right after the ceremony was over. But are you sure your okay? Indigestion can be bad." Hinata said, her brow furrowed. She didn't even stutter. 

She used to stutter all the time in front of me.

I just nodded my head quickly.

"So, shall we head back? I do want you there, you know? Kiba wants you there too!" Hinata said with a broad smile. Her eyes fluttered and a light blush came to her cheeks as she said his name.

That blush used to be for me.

"Oh yeah. Give me a second. Go on ahead, I'll catch up." I  said as cheerfully as possible. Hinata nodded and went back to the reception hall. I stared after her.

Her heels clicked the cobblestone pavement beneath her. She walked farther and farther away from me, and I just looked on.

Hinata was happy now. She finally gave up and became happy. Thats all I want for her anyways. For her to be happy. But I knew I would never love anyone else. Just Hinata.

Because no matter what, Hinata, I will always love you. I thought. With that, I walked on the cobblestone, that held so many memories for me. Another one was just added.



Anyways, I cried when I wrote this.







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