Thoughts: Part One

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A/N: This story is different. This story is true. It will be updated on how the real life version goes. I might delete, I might not. Bear with me, okay? Its a SasuSaku. SasuSaku fits this story almost perfectly. A NaruHina story will be out before Saturday.

It happens every damn time.

Every single time I think I've moved on, it happens. When I felt something for Sasori, I decided to pursue it. It soon became a crush. I wanted to be with Sasori, but...

I looked into his eyes.

Then I didn't feel anything for Sasori anymore. I made everyone else think I was in love with Sasori, but only I knew the truth of what I felt.

For nights I couldn't sleep. I thought about the look in his eyes, wondering, dreaming, cursing, hating, telling myself it was an infatuation. It wasn't real. He hurt me so much, yet I cared if he was healthy or not, sad or happy, tired or awake. Its been years.

I'd like to think I moved on, but I know thats not true. I want to move on. So badly, I pray for it, I wish for it. I don't want to like anyone. But if that time comes once again, I'd want someone who wouldn't hurt me. Someone who'd love me no matter what. But that won't happen. It won't happen. No matter how much I beg for it, desperately wish for the thoughts to go away, to be happy, to be alone and love it, it will not leave.

It won't.

Lets start at the beginning. Maybe it'll help you understand easier.

I met him when I was a sophomore at Konoha High, and it was over when I was a junior in December. My very first thought when I walked into homeroom and saw him, was 'I want to be with him'. Turned out he had a crush on me the very first day of school. Sweet. I didn't know though, at the time.

I sent him a note, asking Twenty Questions about the girl he liked. He turned red, but answered all of them.

It was me.

We began to date. It was such a happy time. It was beautiful and I loved every minute of it. 

Then I became friends with someone. To this day, I don't believe he liked me. 

But he was jealous. No matter how many times I promised him that I loved him, and not my friend, he couldn't believe me. He was convinced that he was an awful person.

So many arguments came from that.

Way too many. So damn many.

To the point he broke up with me. Over text. Which crushed my heart. Like any other person from a good relationship. I cried and resented and hated, but in the end, wanted to be with him more then anything.

But I knew it was normal. Seeing others break up, I saw that you cry, resent, hate and then its done. You move on, date others. Life goes on.

So it did, for both of us. We didn't talk, only when it was necessary. He spread rumors about me, I talked behind his back. We hated each other. Then slowly we became kind of friends. Then he dated a girl, I fell in love with another guy.

Simple. The end.

Except not the end.

Because we'd have these looks.

These stupid looks of knowing. We both knew what pain was caused. The tension. The looks. I hate them.

Jump to the present.

The first day of senior year.

I got science with him. Summer was awesome. I was excited to start my last year of high school.

Then I saw him. Outside, I rolled my eyes and said " You're here too, Sasuke?" He was talking to a friend of his.

"You don't look too happy, Sakura." he said as he sat down, leaving a gap of one seat between us. I sunk in my seat, thinking God condemned me to have almost one class with him every year. 

We got into a seating chart. I'm two rows behind him.

The looks started again after four months. He'd pop his gum, and I'd stupidly chuckle. I didn't want to. It just happened.

I knew he'd turn around to talk to people behind him, but I felt his gaze on me. I'd look away if he turned around, usually to the board or my notes.

Then this happened.

Turns out super friend I stuck up for turned into a mega jerk. I told my friends what a bad person he is, and it was better if you avoided him. He was part of the group, and said

"I knew it."

And I admit he did. He did know. That friend was awful. And I should've trusted him.

The others walk away. Him and I walk silently; our classes we're on the way.

I spoke.

"It would've turned out different if I hadn't stuck up for him."

His reply came after a few minutes.

"Yeah. I hoped."

Then he left for his class. 

The whole day I thought about his answer. What did it mean?

The looks came into my mind. I begun to notice a cute boy in the science class, Gaara.

But then I stupidly looked over to him and into his eyes. His damn eyes.

To any other person, it would be normal, black eyes. To me, they were captivating. I saw all of his feelings in his eyes. And that haunts me.

When I look into his eyes, they stay imprinted into my mind, scaring me, making me wonder, making me curse them. Eyes are a haunting thing, you know.

I wonder, does he wish for the same wish I do?

To leave the past, and go to the future? But is also stuck, desperately trying to leave the hell of past, with no success? Dreaming, praying, wishing, begging to leave?

But the one thing that sticks him there... are my eyes. Are my eyes such a powerful thing against him as his own are to me?

Are we both stuck, because of each other?

And thats what I think every time the looks happen. This time, it was imperative I write it all down. Here, where no one would judge me. Here they would read, listen.

Here, my only escape from the eyes and the past, and allowing me to glimpse into the future.


Kinda dark and weird, huh?

Well, here ya go, two stories in a day! I must really love you guys!

vote comment request!

-Alica Roux

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