Memories: Passed You Part 2

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A/N: Decided to make a part two of passed you!

Naruto woke up, sun shining over his face. His eyes blurred a bit, then soon regained focus.

"Where... where am I? Is that you three? Sakura, Sasuke, Sai? What's going on?" Naruto asked a little worriedly. His friends had a look of horror on their faces, replaced with relief soon after. Looking around, he saw he was in a hospital, a gown covering him and IV drip coming into his arm. Naruto winced, knowing it would cost him a ton of money for being in hospital. He didn't even want to know the bill.

"You know, you ursorantokatchi, you totally trashed my party. You better make up for it la-," Sasuke didn't finish as Sakura punched him in the stomach, and he doubled over with pain.

"God damn it Sasuke-kun! Our best friend woke up after three days and the minute he does, your being petty of your party. Chill man." Sakura said with an annoyed look. Sai gave a smirk, and the three began to argue but Narutos face looked alarmed.

"Asleep? For three days? What could possibly make that happen?" Naruto asked. His friends shut up almost immediately and stared at the ground. Not a word was spoken, not even from Sai.

"Damn it, just tell me! Come on guys! Sasuke-teme, you'll say it, right?" Naruto asked. Sasuke looked away from Naruto and shook his head. Then a shot of pain went through the blue eyed mans hands and he yelped.

"Okay, somethings weird. You all stopped talking when I asked why I was asleep for three days, which is weird and I deserve to know and my hands are covered with bandages. What the hell is happening?" Naruto asked a little angrier then his previous tone. Sakura flinched, but didn't look up.

Sai knew they had to tell him. He deserved to know what happened, even if Sakura was going to punch him through walls.

"Naruto... you blacked out on us before you came to Sasukes barbecue party. We heard you yelling and ran over to see what happened. The bandages on your hands are there because you punched the sidewalk repeatedly, until blood and skin were pouring." Sai softly said. Naruto tilted his head.

"That still didn't answer my question on why I was here. I assume it was because I blacked out. Do you know why?" Sai took a deep breath and looked at his other two friends, who sadly nodded their heads. Biting his lip, he spoke.

"You blacked out because you met... you met her." Sai said. Even with the word her, Naruto knew who he was talking about. Then all of his memories came back, and he struggled to keep his face from losing its expressionless look.

"I... I met her?" Naruto mumbled as he stared at his friends. They nodded and he screamed.

"WHAT? I....I MET HER? WHERE IS SHE?" He yelled. Naruto yanked out the drip, cursing as he did so. He struggled to climb out of bed, only falling back, but repeatedly kept trying. Sakura stared at her best friend in pity, then anger overcame her and she slapped him. Naruto, Sai and Sasuke stared at her in shock. Sakura clenched her fists, anger trembling over her body.

"You idiot, Naruto! You were in a minor coma for three das, us three worried sick about you, Your hands are in a bandages, and the second you hear about... about her, your desperate to see her! Your IV drip kept you alive and your focusing on the person who broke your heart! Why does she even deserve your attention! She hurt you so much for no reason!" Sakura said as she cried. Sasuke wrapped his arms around her, and she cried into them. Sai looked angry, as he thought she was the reason Naruto was in agony for six years. 

Naruto looked down, ashamed. He never even told his friends the truth of what happened between him and her, and they assumed she hurt him, when in all reality it was he who hurt her.

"Sakura-chan... Sasuke, Sai. I... I'm going to tell you why I need her in my life so badly, I'd go to the ends of Earth to be with her. I'd do anything." Naruto began quietly. Sakura lashed out again.


"And thats where your wrong." Sakura looked blankly at Naruto, who looked out the window, tears streaking his face, but he made no noise. Sai made the quiet sign, and the three hushed as they listened to Naruto.

"She... no, I'm not going to do that anymore. Even if it hurts me, I'll say her name. Hinata," Naruto winced, then continued. "Hinata was the best thing that ever happened to me. I lost my parents when I met her, and all I could think about was that I so desperately wanted to join them. Hinata helped me see that I had so much left to do in life then end it right and there. She was my rock. She stood up for me, she gave me all her love. I... I loved her so much too."

"One day, I saw her with her best friend, which you know is Kiba. He was helping her train her new puppy, Shiro, as he was good with animals. I watched them, and I saw them laugh and giggle. He even brushed her hair out of her face and she looked away. I was so incredibly jealous, I didn't even think that those two were friends. I assumed she was cheating on me. So after a while, when Kiba left, I took Hinata to the cherry tree where I told her I loved her. I yelled and said so many bad things to her. She kept telling me that she loved me, even crying, but I wouldn't hear it. It got to the point where she finally couldn't take it anymore and she yelled back at me, declaring she broke up with me. Then she ran away, and ever since then, I've regretted my actions. i get nightmares because of it every night." Naruto said as more tears fell down his face. His three friends stared at him.

"But... but wasn't that bad? That Kiba did all that?" Sakura asked. Naruto looked down. wiping his face.

"No, later on I found out her eyes were in a lot of pain. If anything got into them, it would get even worse. So Kiba put her hair away from her eyes because of that." Sasuke glared at Naruto, and Sai narrowed his eyes.

"You, you didn't even tell us the truth, man!" Sai yelled. 

"I was in a lot of pain, so I only told as much as I possibly could."

"You were a real jackass, Naruto." Sasuke spat.

"I know. It hurts, I regret it, god so much to the point it feels as if my heart will rip open."

"So tell her." Sakura whispered. The three boys looked up, confused.

"I did. And she said she couldn't, not now." Naruto said. Sakura thought for a moment, then made the motion to walk out to Sasuke and Sai.

"Hey. We gotta go, Naruto. Sasuke, Sai, you know we gotta go there." Sakura made a intense glare to the two with her eyes, who nodded and walked out.

"Bye Naruto!" They all yelled, and he waved bye to them as well. As soon as the three got outside, Sakura gave a smirk.

"Sakura, what was that for? I wanted to talk to the idiot about his jerkness. Where we going?" Sai said. Sasuke nodded in agreement. Sakura looked up at the now hazy cloud filled skt and smiled. Then she looked at her friends and spoke.

"We're going to play matchmaker."


Sorry it wasn't yesterday, I had some intense homework my dudes.

Hope you like it!

vote, comment and not dirty requests, but the nice ones, request!!

-Alica Roux

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