The Right Words

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A/N: Boruto and Himawari are in here! THEY ARE PRECIOUS!

A five year old blond haired boy with big blue eyes, two whisker birthmarks on each cheek ran up to his father.

"Daddy! Daddy! Inojins daddy made a cool dancing dragon!" The little boy said with a cheerfulness in his voice. His father gave a smirk and picked up his son. He came to pick up the little boy from a play date at one of his friends houses.

"Well, well Boruto! Inojin's daddy can make dancing dragons, but you know what I can do?" Borutos eyes widened with surprise.

"What can you do, Daddy?" Naruto gave a loving smile at Boruto and set him down. They were now in the backyard of the Uzumaki house, in front of a little training place where Naruto often worked out.

"Now, step back, Bolt! its gonna be really cool, but it can hurt you if you come too close, alright?" Boruto gave a nod and sat down on a stool near where Naruto was.

Making his hand signs, a spiral ball of blue chakra was swirling wildly into Narutos hands. Boruto jumped up and down in excitement.

"This, Bolt, is called the Rasengan," Naruto proudly exclamied.

"THATS SO COOL DADDY!" Boruto yelled. Naruto smirked.

"Thats not all, son. Look what it can do!" Borutos eyes shined and Naruto beamed. He made the move to throw the Rasengan when he felt an angry chakra behind him. He knew who it was, and slowly let the blue chakra ball dissolve. Swallowing his fear, Naruto turned around to the person.

Boruto grinned and ran up to the person and gave a hug. 

"Mommy! Look, Daddy was gonna show me something cool, -ttebasa! It was blue and amazing!" Boruto cheerfully said. Hinata Uzumaki smiled, bent down and ruffled Borutos hair, then activated her Byakugan and stared at her husband who was pretending he didn't see anything. 

Inside, Naruto was terrified for his life.

"Now, Boruto, take Himawari and go inside! I have some cookies on the table and after you eat them, play with your toys, alright?" Boruto nodded and held his sisters hand as they ran inside the Uzumaki house.

Hinata walked up to Naruto, hands on hips.

"Uh, hey Hime! Lovely day, -ttebayo? Beautiful, huh?" Naruto said. Hinata didn't bat an eye. Narutos hands were sweating.

"Excuse me Mr.Uzumaki, but did I just see you showing your signature jutsu to our five year old son, and if you threw it from the distance you were at, would have possibly injured him?" Hinata said with a dark aura. Her long hair swayed up and her Byakugan looking at him with a death glare.

"Uh... yeah. I'm sorry Hime. I just wanted to one up Sai, -ttebayo. I wanna make Boruto think I'm awesome too, ya know?" Naruto said with a meek voice as he scratched his neck. Hinata deactivated her Byakugan and look incredulous at Naruto.

"Follow me, baka." Naruto obeyed and followed Hinata to the porch swing. They sat down and Hinata stared at Naruto with love in her eyes. Naruto blushed under the gaze. Finally Hinata spoke.

"Defeated Pain. Rescued the Kazekage. Ended a whole war. Defeated the god shinobi. Inspired others. What are you talking about? Boruto doesn't know all of those things you've done yet. But he admires you. Not in a jutsu one up or being strong, but... because your his dad. You inspire him. Often when your on a mission and I stay home with that kids, he frequently says 'Daddy is so cool!' 'Daddy showed me this!' 'Daddy took me here!'. Your his rock, your always there for him. You already are awesome in Borutos eyes, Naruto-kun." Hinata said. Naruto looked at his wife. They were now resting their bodies on the balcony, looking at each other.

Naruto turned and hugged Hinata tightly. Hinata smiled and gave in.

"Why do you always say the right thing, Hime?"

"Because I'm your wife."

"I know... If I could I'd marry you all over again. Your the best, Hime. I love you."

Hinata giggled and let go. Naruto pouted.

"Why'da leave so quickly?"

"We have two kids in the house, Naruto-kun. We need to check on them."

"Oh, alright."  

As they walked back to the house, Hinata and Naruto saw their two kids in the living room, playing ninja. Hinata picked up the now empty cookie plate and went to wash it.

Suddnely, Naruto leaned in next to her and whispered.

"Tonight, you aren't going to leave so quickly. You're going to check on me." Naruto whispered with a tease in his voice. Hinata burned bright red.

"What about the kids?" Naruto chuckled at his wives embaressment and stepped on his heel.

"Kids! Wanna go to Grandpas and Aunt Hanabi and spend the night there?" Naruto yelled out. Cheers of yes's came from the living room and Naruto smirked at Hinata.

"Your mine tonight, Hime." With that, Naruto walked out of the kitchen, leaving a blushing Hinata.


Sorry its short.

I thought it'd be cute, did you guys like it?

Anyways, you know already...




-Alica Roux

NaruHina and SasuSaku Oneshots ✓Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz