Your Lie in April: Part 2

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A/N: Okay! I have some good news, my fans! I had applied for a oneshots position on the SasuSakuComm community! I loved their oneshots books, and I got lots of inspiration from it. So, anyways, the administrator said I can join, as a hiatus writer! I feel really lucky to join the Oneshots community there!

But, never fear! I will dutifully update my own oneshots book. NaruHina is my first loved ship, with SasuSaku tied. Updates, may be a little slower, but I will write in this book as much as I can, because I am hiatus writer and only write when they tell me too.

Also, I'm changing the perspective of the story. Sorry for the confusion! I just feel like its better to put in 3rd person view. 

Alright, enough of me talking. You came to see... Sasuke meeting the pink haired girl, correct? Stop reading this and read on to see what happens!


"PERVERT! YOU, FREAKING PERVERT!" The girl yelled loudly.

After playing music for the little kids, she noticed Sasuke, holding her leggings. The girl had a short temper, and started to beat Sasuke with her instrument.

"Why are you bringing instruments into this? Respect them!" Sasuke yelled. The girl stopped and stared at her instrument. Then she put into its case, closed the case and proceeded to hit Sasuke with her fists, which Sasuke just took, too tired to argue with her.

"Sakura-chan! Look I who I brought!" The girl stopped punching Sasuke and turned her head, in which Sasuke did the same. Sasuke heard Ino's voice and thanked the heavens above his that the girl would stop beating him up.

Suddenly, the girl stopped beating up Sasuke and ran over to greet Ino, who was accompanied by Naruto. His mind flashed back to his previous conversation with Ino.

"There's this girl in my class who wants me to introduce her to Naruto, and we're gonna meet up tomorrow. You should come, Sauce."

Oh, god! Was this girl Narutos date?  Sasuke thought as he looked over to the girl, who's name was Sakura. She was acting all chummy with Naruto, and Naruto was laughing with her. Jeez, a quick mood change, huh? Sasuke grumbled inside. Ino stood next to him, smirking.

"Meeting up with the girl early, huh Sasuke? Nice move. I didn't know you were a player." Ino said as she chuckled and Sasuke jumped out of his thoughts.

"What, no! You guys came late and so I just meet her here, thats all. I'm not a player, Ino!" I furiously say back to her. Ino just smiles.

Sasuke spoke up to Naruto. "Hey, Naru-,".

Before Sasuke could even say his other best friends name, Sakura ran back to him, growling.

"A word of what happened before and I'll make sure you won't live to see tomorrow."  Sakura said in a menacing voice. Ino and Naruto didn't notice the dark aura around Sasuke and Sakura, while Sasuke shivered and nodded. 

"Good." With that,  Sakura went back to Naruto and talked sweetly back.

Suddenly, bells began to ring. Sakura stopped talking to Naruto and looked up. The bells were coming from the nearby concert hall, called Onagaku Hall. Sakura began to run, with Naruto calling out.

"Why are you running?" Naruto said.

"At 3:30, I'm supposed to perform there!" Sakura called out. Everyone began to run after.

"But its 3:20 right now! Your gonna be late!" Naruto yelled. Sakura smiled.

"Its okay, I go on for fourth anyways. Enough time to change and get ready!" 

"What do you play anyways?" Ino asked. Sakura stopped.

"I play the violin. Classical!" Sakura said with a smile. Sasuke stopped and stared at Sasuke.

"I... don't want to go." Sasuke mumbled. Ino stopped as well. Even though she wanted Sasuke to play the piano again, listening to classical, the piano or even both haunted him. 

Sakura looked at Sasuke, then took his hand.

"Come see me perform. No excuses." Sakura said and ran. Sasuke felt an urge in his heart and ran after her, with Naruto and Ino following closely behind. Sakura looked back at Sasuke and gave a smile, and Sasuke's widened.

On the way to the hall, all Sasuke thought about her smile. And how everything, everything began to show color.

The girl who lied in April showed him color, and since that day, Sasuke's life was no longer monotone. Everyday, there was color.


How was it? I'm sorry its short, I have to go pack. I'm going somewhere, and on the other hand, my little sister is screaming her head off because I'm on my laptop and she can't play Roblox. Whats so cool about that game? I will never know!

A part three will come soon! I hope you all are enjoying the oneshots book. Any improvement that I need would be great if I heard it from you. 

Please comment, vote and request! It makes my day when you guys do!

Love you all!

Alica Roux

Sasuke and Sakura with headphones:

Sasuke and Sakura with headphones:

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Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.
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