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Staring at the ceiling, one tear fell from a young four year olds eye. It was October 10th, his birthday, and not a single soul in the village remotely cared.

Curling up into a little ball, he wondered who his parents might be. Naruto imagined two, brave strong people. His dad had a white cape flowing around him, and a look in his eyes saying 'It's okay, I'm here, I'll protect you.' and his mom, who was ever so fierce and beautiful, her red hair waving around, a soft look in her eyes saying 'I love you' clear as day. He ran up to them, hugging them as tight as he possibly could.

Well, would he know. It was all the stuff he imagined, he knew it wasn't real. But it couldn't hurt to pretend, right? Wrong... it hurt even more because it reminded him of how lonely and how much no one cared for him.

Naruto began to cry a little harder, and more faster. His stomach hurt, and he wished someone would come and hug him so badly, it was painful...

Didn't anyone care for him? At least someone must have. Just one person, it would have been enough for Naruto.

Just one person...

And one hug....

It would be enough.

Naruto jolted up, tears streaming from his eyes. Quickly wiping them away and laying back down, he looked around. He wasn't in his silent, dark, apartment anymore, the place where he had spent the last fifteen years in, he was in a big, master bedroom, from obviously a house. He was nineteen, no scratch that, twenty, engaged to be married in exactly five months and sixteen days.

It was an early morning, and he turned around in the bed he was in, and felt another persons presence... his fiancee. Watching her breath slowly and stroking her cheek softly, Naruto wrapped his arms around her. She woke up slowly, and gave a smile.

"Hmm, its around 6:30 in the morning, isn't it? And it is nice to wake up like this." She teased, poking her soon to be husband on the nose, letting out a small giggle. Naruto gave a fond look, and held her a little tighter.

"Never to early to get up, Hinata. I really cannot wait till we get married, -ttebayo." He said, closing his eyes. Hinata put her head under Narutos chin and curled up a little.

"Right here as well, birthday boy." Naruto opened his eyes and looked surprised, looking down at his now pouting soon to be wife.

"Did you really think I would forget your birthday, Naruto-kun? Anyways, happy birthday, Naruto Uzumaki. I love you." Hinata said as she wrapped her arms around Naruto, who widened his eyes and let tears fall. Hinata looked up and quietly brushed them away, still holding on.

"Why are you crying?"

"Because sixteen years ago, when I turned four, this was the present I wanted."


"I wanted someone so badly to say 'I love you' to me, and give me a hug. And it turns out, my wish came true." Naruto said as more tears came out. Hinata smiled and wiped them with her thumb.

"Well now you do. You now will always have someone who will say 'I love you' and hug you everyday, no matter what. You have me." Hinata said. Naruto closed his eyes, thankful that he met someone like Hinata, and found his true love.

Thank you...

This is enough.


Hey, kinda late but happy birthday Naruto! Have an amazing birthday with your wife and kids!

Sorry if its a bit depressing and its short and awful.

No need for a vote or comment. It was bad.

-Alica Roux

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