Your Lie in April: Part 1

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A/N: This anime is so cute, but really sad too. Hope you enjoy the story! Also, dialogue is same from the show, so it's close as possible. I don't own Naruto or Your Lie in April. DON'T SUE ME! 

The spring of my fourteenth year was the year I saw color.

Everything she said and did sparkled in my eyes. I never felt so much color and emotion before. She was the one who helped me get back to the piano. 

I never saw anything monotone again. Every place I looked after I met her, it felt like little of her was there, even if her physical body wasn't.

That spring, in April, everything began, and ended with a lie.

It was her lie in April


"Sasuke! Not a good reaction! I mean, at least know I was the one throwing it! I've done this at least 10 times now! I am your best friend and neighbor, plus professional softball player. Get a hint, will ya? " Ino said with an annoyed expression.  I rubbed my back from the impact of the ball as she walked over to the desk I was sitting at. Plopping down on the chair in front of me, she swiped and earbud from my ear.

"What are you listening to anyway?" Ino said as she put the earbud in her ear

"Hey! Don't stretch it!" I mumble, knowing Ino wouldn't pay attention. Then her eyes widened, and I sighed.

"Sauce! Is this the new Akatsuki album, the one where Kisame is the lead?" Ino shouted. I just rolled my eyes. For a while we listened to the music, as I wrote down the instrumental music and figured out the notes to each beat. Then Ino spoke up.

"Sasuke, tomorrows Saturday. You free, right?" Ino asked.

"Don't just jump to conclusions!" I answer back.

"So you're busy?" Ino blankly said. I flushed red, which gave her the indication that I wasn't busy at all. She laughed out loud, while I sat there, beet red. Then she finally talked.

"There's this girl in my class who wants me to introduce her to Naruto, and we're gonna meet up tomorrow. You should come, Sauce." Ino said, tapping her foot. I looked at her curiously.

"Huh? Why would I go?"

"If its just going to be me, Naruto and this girl, its gonna be awkward for me, because it'll get romantic, making me the third wheel. But two on two would be perfect. Also," Ino paused, and she clicked the stop button on my phone. The music stopped playing and I looked up from my note sheet.

"I hear this girl plays classical music."

My ears perked up and my eyes widened slightly. She plays classical, huh? 

"Since you play piano, you'll have something to talk about. Whenever the conversation lags a a bit, you talk about music and sheets and whatever you musicians talk about." Ino says. I clicked the play button and music played again

"I quit playing the piano two years ago, Ino. You know that."

"LIAR! You played in the music room yesterday!" She pressed the pause button.

"That was for work, ya know! I'm transcribing new songs from ear, for karaoke and stuff." I press the play button.

"If you can do that in the class, you wouldn't have to play the piano." Ino mumbles.

"I'm just checking the sound on the piano. It doesn't mean I'm playing the piano." I answer back and Ino sighed.

"There are a ton of other part time jobs out there, ya know? To me, it looks like you desperately are clinging on to it. The piano, I mean. You were way cooler when you played the piano, Sasuke." Ino wistfully said. I sighed.

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