Imagine Your OTP

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Dedicated to Admin Jouta: She is the one who I get some of my best ideas and works from. I'm extremely grateful for her. A link to her Tumblr site is posted below! thank her, SHE IS AWESOME!

Typing, Hinata began to end her four month long novel of "Paradise on Water: A True Story". It was based of her sisters marriage and a few prompts, and she loved the story so much she decided to write it. Sunlight poured over from the large windows nearby, dust slowly settling.

 "And so, Hanabi and Konohamaru lived happily ever after!" Done! Hinata thought as she smiled. Stretching out her hands, she clicked publish. It had been three years since she started writing stories for people on CrunchPad, and gotten so famous, to the point where she earned money for her stories.

Though, she couldn't take all the credit for it. On a Tumblr blog, there was a person who wrote prompts for shipping couples, which is what Hinata loved to do. Always giving credit to Admin Nine for his outstanding help to writers from all around the globe. She felt indebted to them, thankful for thier ideas that help her get a job she loved that gave her money.

"Ahhh, I'm so tired!" Hinata moaned as she stretched. Even though writing was one of her favorite things to do, it was also the reason her circulation wasn't very good. Cramps overtook her legs, and she sighed. Deciding it was time for a snack and thinking a walk might do some good, Hinata went to the kitchen, and smiled when she saw who was already in there. Hinata silently leaned on a chair and stifled a giggle as she watch him. 

He was cooking a dish of oyakudon, and adding a bit of spice into the pot of chicken, then sliding over to the counter nearby to check on the rice. He sung to a popular anime opening (A freak for animes, this guy) and pretended the mixing spoon was a baton. twirling it. Then he did a few goofy dance moves, added in a little bit more spice, and finally bowed. Hinata clapped, and the man stiffened, slowly turning around, blushing madly.

"Encore, encore! Once more, once more, once more!" Hinata cheered as she laughed out loud. The man out his right hand on his right hip and used his left hand to point the mixing spoon at Hinata.

"Aw, Hime! Why didn't you tell me you were there?" The man pouted. Hinata gave a smirk as she walked up and hugged him.

"Because, Naruto-kun, you looked so talented dancing over there that I couldn't help but watch. Now, whats for lunch? It smells real good!" Hinata sang as she broke away from the hug and went to the table. Naruto rolled his eyes and sat down.

"You know, I finished my book, all thanks to Admin Nine! They really are the best!" Hinata said. Naruto looked away quickly, smiling.

"Hmm, it seems so." He answered back.

"Yum, oyakudon! Thank you for the meal!" Hinata said as she gobbled down her meal and finished it in a couple seconds. Naruto didn't even crack open his chopsticks by the time Hinata finished.

"S-so fast..." Naruto mumbled as the chopsticks trembled in his hands. Hinata looked at her fiance expectantly and Naruto looked down, blushing. He couldn't control his emotions; Hinata was so cute when she ate. It was like a little chipmunk that nibbled on a acorn. He was always like this. He was the quiet, shy one and Hinata was the loud, outgoing one. They both complimented each other.



"Why are you stuttering?"



"Y-you... j-just..." Naruto blushed even harder. Hinata stood up and ran to the medicine cabinet. Naruto looked up and saw Hinata come towards him a determined look on her face, carrying a thermometer and pain killer. 

"I can't let you get sick before the wedding, ya know? Try and be healthy!" Hinata said as she checked his body heat level. The monitor beeped and she pulled out the thermometer from Naruto mouth, frowning.

"It says here that your temperature is normal... then why else would you be stuttering and your face flushed? Hmm, maybe I should call Sakura-chan... she'll know whats up." Hinata said as she made her way to her phone, but she was pulled back and fell into Narutos chest.

"Naruto-kun?" Hinata asked as she looked up at Naruto. He was smiling, his eyes a little watery.

"Thank you for being in my life, Hime..." He said as he gave her a big hug. Hinata was confused but she gave into the hug, smiling into it.


"Hey, Naruto-kun! I gotta ask you something." Hinata said. It was around nine o clock now, and the two were watching T.V. Hinata was laying on Naruto's lap, and he was subconsciously stroking her hair.

"Hmm?" Naruto said as he kept watching the show. 

"Who do you think is the person behind the O.T.P prompts where I get my story ideas from?" Naruto jumped up and looked down. Hinata was on the ground, rubbing her head.

"Oww, what was that for?" Hinata asked. 

"Sorry... b-but what m-made you ask that a-all of a s-sudden?" Naruto said as he helped Hinata back up.

"Well, because I wanna thank them, ya know? Its a real nice thing that they leave prompts out for anyone to use, and they don't care if they want credit or not. So, who do you think it is? I know its someone part of our friend group, they use a lot of the ideas from the outing or moments we all have."

Naruto looked straight at his fiancees face, who was sitting up and facing him. Her face showed sincerity and it made him blush harder. He couldn't help it.... she was so cute.

"W-well, y-you could t-thank them h-here, -ttebayo." Naruto said, looking away. Hinata gaped.

"Your Admin Nine?"


Hinata stared at Naruto, who looked left and right, then up and down, finally looking at her. Sge smiled and gave him a hug.

"Then, thank you for helping me make a career I love, Admin Nine, or should I say, Naruto Uzumaki?" Hinata teased. Naruto smiled and gave her a hug back. He knew he made the right decision, he really did want to spend the rest of his life with her.






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