Return Of the Lost souls

Start from the beginning

That decision ended up being a good one, as he was hit with a secondary attack, much like the first, but less severe in intensity.

"Jade, I don't know what is going on over there, but just hang on!'he thought to himself as his most recent bout of pain washed over him in waves. 'Once I get you and Lynn back, I'll make that fucker pay ten times over for what he's done to us'. Erin kept his gaze locked outside the window, his mind on his daughter and mate, on the battle that took them from him, on how weak he was in the face of a living legend, on the fact that he was now to lead this pack going forward. There was a lot of pressure on his shoulders now, and he was going to have to start acting the part as a leader.

Shane was worried  about Jade now, he knew that something  bad had happened with Erin's reaction, he seen the tears. He knew when you mated your bond got stronger and you can feel the others emotions. However  something must of been horribly  wrong. What had happened to Jade? He knew it wasn't  death, because  then Erin would  have been completely crippled. He seen a wolfs mate murdered  before the wolf couldn't  move it completely crippled  them to the point they were vulnerable he drove and watched  Erin double  over again, this time not as badly. He was worried  about  the link and his alpha. Whatever  happened  to Jade was crippling to

Erin. Which  meant it had to be crippling  to Erin. He knew he was lying  when he said stress, but he wasn't  Erins best friend  so he didn't  say anything  more.

He turned the music  on as he drove, 1 other car followed. The pack inside each vehicle, Shane drove until  Dusk and stopped  just outside  what looked like to be a secure government  facility.  He looked  at it with a growl, “ Can't  change, have to stay in Human form.”He said. He watched  the gate open. And stay open. He watched  trucks pull in with no mind. He figured this was there  in to this place. He drove and got behind  the trucks, Alex who was driving  behind him with Lexi, Jax and Alyssa. He had just Erin and the slipped through  undetected. What he did smell was blood and bodies and a very very faint  scent of Ulric the male must have been here before to get the information  on Jade. He curled his hands around  the steering wheel tightly and turned away from the line of cars and took his own path. He looked  down at the text and looked for the door Marius had mentioned. He parked right outside the door and got out. He typed in the code and the door buzzed and opened.

Looks like that stupid vampire was right, he muttered.  He looked at  them split up half with me half with Alex. Erin you're with me man.”Shane spoke up, He taken charge  due to it was his woman they were getting and Erin needed  some time.  He split off with Erin and Jax. Alex took Lexi and Alyssa down another  hall and went looking for  Val. Any hunter they came upon which wasn't  many were killed  instantly. Checking  the whole place from top to bottom  they couldn't  find Val well all rooms but one checked which they met up at. Shane entered the room and sprinted for Val when he saw her. “Valerie.” Shane said softly. “Hey beautiful, you okay?”He asked. He kissed her cheek and looked  around  for a key. He stopped when  he saw a older male holding the Key. Shane stepped  in front  of Val protectively.

“No need to worry I am not  going  to harm her. I will release  her to you on one condition  I need Purebred blood not from any of you wolves. I need Lycan blood. Bring it back to me in a weeks time and I promise  to leave your pack be.”He said and watched  them. Shane growled, “ Or I kill you here and now and take her.”He snapped. “ You kill me, you kill her.” The gentleman  says.  Shane snarled but, knew they had no Choice  and it might be easier  to get Jade back. He looked to Erin to say The word. When all had been agreed on terms wise. The gentleman threw him the key and he unchained  Val. He grabbed a lab coat and put it around her. Lifting  her into his arms Shane pulled her close to his body. They left and walked for the cars. No more hunters tried to attack  them. They left without a word. Shane had Jax drive in his place so he could  sit with Val in his lap. He kissed her cheek  and held her close. “ Your okay your home now beautiful. I tried  to get you so did Jade, I Ulric interfered and took Jade and Lyn.”He said.

“Marius betrayed her and then helped us get you back and is willing  to help get Jade and lyn back. However  we came for you first beautiful.”He whispered  to her and held a protective  arm around  her. “Your Father is in bad shape Val he has given his alpha title is given to Erin now. However  Sam is doing  all he can for your father.”Shane said. His body was still tense and ready to jump at any one who was not pack who came near Val.  He had her head  on his chest as he kissed her head softly. Shane looked over her worried, and then over to Erin also worried. Jade was not okay and his beautiful  Val god knows what had happened to her. He didn't  want to imagine. He closed his eyes as he wrapped around  Val protectively and tiredly.  He hadn't  slept  in the month of her absence.


Jade looked away from Marius and just held Lyns hand closer.  “Well we should  definitely  start our treck to get to  the witch coven.” He said. Marius led the way and Jade followed  behind  silently. She had to stop after a few hours of traveling. She gone to throw  up  behind  a tree, her hand on the bark as she held her stomach. She had remembered  this feeling  before  with Lyn. She couldn't  be pregnant, she didn't  want to be. The thought  of being  pregnant   with  Ulrics child sent another wave nausea over her.  She finally  walked back  to the others. She sighed and looked down. Ulric lifted her chin to ask if she was okay. She nods her head and covers her mouth. “Yes uncle, just felt a wave of nausea come over me.” She said.

Ulric put a arm around  her and held her close.  He told her it was okay. She could  see his questioning  gaze considering the only thing it could be was pregnancy, she knew he knew it. Jade kept from shaking as he wrapped a arm around her. She nods to his questioning  gaze. They walked after Marius and she had a hand on her stomach as she held Lyn, well until Ulric took her and held her. He kissed  Jades cheek and told her she should not be carrying  Lyn while she was in such a delicate  state. She looked down and held her hands on her stomach softly.  She felt anguish  and more roll through  her body again, she didn't  realize  what  it was doing  to her mate, but she couldn't  help it. Her emotions  were high especially  with being  pregnant. After a few hours or so they stopped to rest  so Jade could  relax. She slept soundlessly, and was only woken to eat and walk a bit more to follow the witches. Ulric  had Marius  carry her when she got tired  cause  they needed  to keep moving.

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