Chapter 1

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It's early in the morning, and everything in the apartment is still. There is some very loud snoring coming from one of the rooms. The loud snoring wakes up Hoseok. He looks over to Yoongi, who is the source of the disturbingly loud snoring as usual.

Hoseok sits up in bed, grabbing one of the pillows behind him, and throws it at Yoongi, who is sleeping on the floor. Yoongi lazily grabs the pillow that has landed on his face. He slowly looks over to Hoseok, blinks, and goes back to sleep.After a few seconds, Yoongi is snoring once again. Defeated, Hoseok plops back down and covers his face with another pillow to try and block out Yoongi's loud snoring.

Around an hour later, Namjoon emerges from his room and heads over to the bathroom. He stretches and scratches just as he does every morning; his bed head messy as ever. Jin pokes his head out from the kitchen and excitedly greets Namjoon. "Good morning!"

Namjoon lazily looks over to Jin and gives a warm smile in return before continuing into the bathroom to take a shower. Jin goes back into the kitchen to finish cooking.

Soon enough, both Jimin and Jungkook come out of their room; both fully dressed in their school uniforms. The two boys walk into the kitchen and sit at the table for breakfast. Jin serves them and they begin scarfing food down. Noticing what the two boys are doing, Jin clears his throat rather sternly. Jimin notices and pauses, looking at Jin with careful eyes. Jungkook seems not to notice that Jin is glaring at him. Jimin looks over and nudges Jungkook's arm, signaling him to stop and eat slower. Jungkook quickly looks up to Jimin and then to Jin.

As soon as he makes eye contact with Jin, he stops wolfing down his food and begins to pace himself a bit more. With the problem solved, Jin smiles and goes back to cooking.

Hoseok walks into the kitchen and sits down at the table, ready to eat. Jin gives him a plate of food. "Hey, Hoseok..."

Hoseok gets up to pour himself some orange juice. "Yes, hyung?"

"Do you know where Taehyung is? You and Yoongi were the last ones to go to bed."

"No, we didn't see him come home last night." Hoseok sits down with his beverage and begins to eat the food in front of him.

"Oh! Jin hyung," Jimin says before swallowing a mouthful of food, "Taehyung said that he'd be back later today. I forgot to tell you before."

Jin turns to Jimin. "Did he say why?"

"Yeah. He said that he was working on an installation with one of his artist friends."

"Ah. Makes sense. He's always staying out so late." With that, Jin sets two more plates on the table before taking off his apron and sitting down himself.

Just then, an alarm goes off on Jimin's phone. Jimin quickly looks over to his phone and notices what the alarm is for. He gets up from the table quickly, grabbing a piece of toast off of his plate. "C'mon, Jungkook! We don't wanna be late to school!" Jungkook stands up with his plate, scraping the last bit of food into his mouth before following Jimin as he runs off."

On the way out, the two boys pass by Namjoon, who is now leaving his room after getting dressed. "Bye, hyung," Jimin says as he runs by Namjoon with Jungkook following and throwing his backpack on.

"Bye, guys! Get good grades!" Namjoon is able to communicate his message to them just before the door slams shut.

"It's about time that I go, too." Hoseok excuses himself from the table and puts his dishes into the sink. "Thanks for the breakfast, hyung."

"No problem." Jin replies, warmly.

Hoseok goes into his room and grabs his duffel bag. He sees Yoongi is now awake and sitting up, getting himself ready to go to the bathroom. "Finally awake, hyung?" Hoseok asks Yoongi with a chuckle. Yoongi simply sits and groans quietly. "Well, I'm out. See ya later." Yoongi lazily waves goodbye to Hoseok.

Yoongi finally leaves the room and makes his way to the bathroom. By this time, Hoseok and Namjoon have both left together. Jin is in the kitchen washing the dishes left behind by the others. He calls to Yoongi. "Hey, Yoongi!" Yoongi stops without turning around. "I'm about to leave for work soon. Do you want to come with me?"

"No thanks. I'm going to stay home today." Yoongi replies dryly before continuing into the bathroom.

"Oh. Okay then." Jin turns back to finish up washing the dishes. While Yoongi is taking a shower, Jin grabs a jacket and knocks on the bathroom door. "See you tonight, Yoongi."

 "Uh-huh..." Yoongi replies.

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