Chapter 21

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That night is a bittersweet feeling for the roommates that remain alive. They're happy that both Jimin and Jungkook were home and that they were safe. However, they all know, deep down, that no one is truly safe. Even though no one is saying it, everyone is wondering who has yet to be kidnapped, and/or harmed next. This results in a lot of harshly forced conversation between the friends. They all retreat to their rooms and head off to bed without saying much to each other; wanting to avoid anything awkward and painful.

At about 2 A.M, Yoongi's phone goes off, indicating that he's received a text message. As usual, he doesn't wake up to the notification. 2 hours later, Yoongi wakes up for some reason. This was pretty unusual since he was never one to have broken sleep. Lazily, Yoongi opens his eyes and stares at the ceiling. He then looks over to his left and checks his phone. When he turns it on, he angles the phone toward the floor so that the light won't wake Hoseok. He sees a message from an unknown number. Immediately on high alert, Yoongi opens the message, thinking that it might be from Set. Low, and behold, he's correct. The message is nothing but an image with no text. Yoongi downloads the image and waits, painfully, for it to open for what seems like an eternity.

Upon seeing the image, Yoongi sits up in shock. It is an image of Jungkook tied up in a chair with duct tape wrapped around his head; covering his mouth. After a few seconds, the light of the phone floods the room and wakes Hoseok. Rubbing his eyes, Hoseok rolls over to see what the source of the light is. "Yoongi? What are you doing?" Yoongi doesn't answer him, so he gets up and walks over to take a look for himself. Noticing what Hoseok is doing, Yoongi quickly shuts off his phone's screen and puts in down onto his lap, quickly switching his focus to Hoseok. "Hyung... What were you looking at?"

"N-Nothing. It was nothing. Go back to sleep." Yoongi begins to get up and leave the room.

"Hyung, that wasn't nothing... Just tell me what it wa---"

"It. Was. Nothing." Yoongi interrupts Hoseok, barking in a hushed tone. "Now, drop it and go back to sleep." Not wanting to anger Yoongi any further, Hoseok obeys and doesn't press any further. Yoongi grabs some pants and runs off to the bathroom to change into them. On his way out of the apartment, Yoongi receives another text message from Set. The message contains coordinates along with the message "Come and get him. He misses you." Angered even further, Yoongi rushes out of the house and heads to the location.

When Yoongi arrives at the location, he realizes that the coordinates lead to a cabin that is kind of deep in the woods. Partially hiding behind a tree, Yoongi spots Set standing in front of the cabin. Set isn't doing much; simply checking his watch. Gathering all of the courage he can, Yoongi storms over to Set. Spotting Yoongi, Set straightens his posture. "Where is he!?"

"My, my. How cute." Set tussles Yoongi's hair. "So small and sassy. You're a tough guy, aren't you?" Yoongi slaps Set's hand away. Set raises his hands and backs away slightly. "Alright. Alright." He opens the door and motions for Yoongi to follow him. "Come on in."

"I want to see him first."

"Awww. What's wrong? You don't trust me?"

"I'm not coming in until I'm positive that he's in there." Suddenly, Yoongi can feel someone push him from behind. The force of impact is so strong, that it forces Yoongi inside and he crashes to the floor. Collecting his senses, Yoongi looks up to see who had attacked him. He's surprised to see Jungkook closing the door and locking it. "Jungkook? What's going on?"

Set walks over to Jungkook and hands him a bat. "All will be explained in due time, Yoongi." Jungkook raises the bat above his head. Realizing what is about to happen, Yoongi quickly rolls to the side as Jungkook swings the bat down and strikes the spot where Yoongi previously had his head.

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