Chapter 8

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It is now several months later. There haven't been anymore attacks on the boys or anyone that they know. The activities of, whoever that man was, seem to have ceased completely.

Jimin currently has a new cat, named Kiwi, that Namjoon allows him to keep inside of the apartment. Yoongi has finally released an album and it is receiving rave reviews. Jin received a promotion and is very happy at his job. Hoseok has started taking on private dance lessons with students. Taehyung is gaining more attention as an artist. Last, but not least, Lucy and Jungkook are now dating.

Jungkook and Jimin are both on vacation from school. Jimin spends most of his time playing with Kiwi and is very protective of her ever since Podo was killed. He has trained her to remain inside the house and to not be trusting of anyone else that doesn't live inside of the apartment with them. Jungkook has been spending a lot of time with his new girlfriend, so he's usually out and about; away from the other guys.

"Hyung, would you like to hang outwith me and Lucy today?" Jungkook asked Jimin, who was playing with Kiwi. "We're going to stop by that new restaurant that opened up."

"No, that's okay. I want to stay with Kiwi."

"Are you afraid of her getting hurt like Podo did?" Jimin nods as he pets Kiwi and hugs her. "Hyung...," Jungkook says. He walks over to Jimin and sits next to him. "She's going to be fine. You know that none of our hyungs would ever hurt her." Jimin remains silent, still petting his cat. "Look. Both Yoongi and Hoseok will be here today. They'll watch her for you and make sure she's okay." Once again, Jimin remains silent. Jungkook holds out his hands, waiting for Jimin to hand Kiwi over to him. After a second, or two, Jimin gives in and hands Kiwi over to Jungkook. Jungkook sets Kiwi down and grabs Jimin by the arm.

"Wait!," Jimin exclaims, "Just let me say goodbye to Kiwi first." Jungkook sighs and releases Jimin's arm. Jimin walks over to Kiwi and squats in front of her. He picks her up and holds her to his face, rubbing his cheek against her fur. "Bye, Kiwi. Daddy will miss you, okay?"

"C'mon, Jimin." Jungkook turns to exit their room. Jimin puts Kiwi down and hurriedly scrambles to catch up with Jungkook. The two leave the door open so that Kiwi isn't stuck inside. "Hey, hyung..." Jimin looks at Jungkook, waiting for him to finish. "What is it with you and naming your pets after fruit?" Jimin shrugs.

"I don't know. It's just cute." Jimin answers before he calls out to Hoseok, who happens to be leaving his room while sleepily holding a toothbrush in his mouth and a towel on his shoulder. "Hey, hyung!" Hoseok looks up at Jimin lazily. "Can you guys watch Kiwi while we're gone?" Hoseok says nothing; simply nodding and giving a thumbs up to Jimin. Both Jungkook and Jimin go off on their way to meet up with Lucy.

Hoseok goes into the bathroom to brush his teeth and take a shower. Yoongi is still pretty groggy. He comes out of the room and sits on the couch; going through the notifications on his phone. Kiwi walks out of Jungkook and Jimin's room and pokes her head around, looking for any of the people she's familiar with. Seeing Yoongi, she walks over to him and rubs against his leg. Noticing Kiwi, Yoongi sets his phone aside and picks Kiwi up. He sets her on his lap and begins to pet her. Kiwi paws at Yoongi's hands, wanting to play. Grabbing a nearby shoelace, Yoongi begins to play with Kiwi on the couch.

Jimin and Jungkook are about a block away from the restaurant when Jungkook receives a text message from Lucy. The two stop and Jungkook check the message. "What does it say?" Jimin asks.

"It says..." Jungkook pauses to read through the message, "Lucy says that she can't make it. Something came up. She wants me to check on her later."

"Oh..." There's a moment of silence as Jungkook puts his phone back into his pocket. "Do you want to go home?"

"No," Jungkook replies, "let's still go. The restaurant is right there."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, hyung. I'm sure. I'm really hungry anyway." With that, Jungkook continues walking to the restaurant. Jimin follows closely behind.

A few hours later, it's time for Namjoon to leave work and go home. However, he is lost in thought. He eventually snaps out of it when his coworker walks by and taps him on the shoulder to make sure he's alright. Startled, Namjoon turns around to see who it is.

"Are you alright?" the coworker asks.

Namjoon nods. "Yeah, I'm fine." He looks at the clock and begins to pack up his belongings. "There's just something on my mind that I really need to figure out..."

"Ah. Well, I wish you the best of luck." The coworker leaves as he waves to Namjoon. Namjoon waves back. He finishes packing up and leaves as well. As he's waiting for the train, Namjoon calls Jin, who picks up after a few rings.

"Hi, Namjoon. What's up?"

"Hey, hyung. I was just calling to ask if you needed my help today."

"Ah. No. Sarah is okay walking home with just me now." Jin replies. The sound of pots and pans is present in the background.

"Are you on your way home now?"

"Yeah. I'm just cleaning up and then I'll walk Sarah home."

"Hyung...," Namjoon takes a small pause, "is it alright if I stop by anyway? There's something that I need to talk to you about."

"Oh... Sure. I'll wait at work with Sarah. We'll be out front."

"Okay. I'm on my way now." Just as Namjoon hangs up the phone, the train pulls into the station and he rushes to catch it.

Around 8 PM, both Jin and Namjoon arrive home. Namjoon hurriedly walks over to Jungkook and Jimin's room. Taehyung, who is sitting on the couch watches Namjoon. Seeing that no one is in the room, Namjoon turns to Taehyung. "Where's Jungkook?" There is a slight hint of worry in Namjoon's voice.

"I don't know. He wasn't here when I walked in." Namjoon begins to walk over to Yoongi and Hoseok's room. Before he even gets near it, Taehyung speaks. "They aren't home either. I was here alone." Namjoon takes out his phone. "They went to the convenience store. They should be back soon." Namjoon gives no response before calling someone and walking out of the apartment. Taehyung directs his attention to Jin. "What's with him?"

"He's worried about Jungkook."

"Why's that?"

"I don't know, but something is definitely wrong. He kept asking me about different scenarios on the way home." Taehyung looks at the door before shrugging it off and checking his phone.

Namjoon is pacing right outside of the apartment. When Jungkook doesn't pick up the phone, Namjoon leaves a message for his roommate. "Jungkook. You need to be careful. I have a bad feeling. I don't know what it's about, but my gut is usually right. Get home safe."

A few seconds later, Jimin arrives and greets Namjoon in the hallway with a wave. Still quite worried, Namjoon instantly asks Jimin, "Where's Jungkook? Do you know?"

Confused, Jimin answers timidly. "He said that he was going to check on Lucy before coming home."

"So, he was safe when you last saw him?" Jimin nods, confused. "How long ago was that?"

"A few minutes?"

"Ah. Okay. Thank you." Accepting Jimin's answer, Namjoon walks past Jimin and goes on his way to try and find Jungkook. Jimin remains outside for a moment, or two, trying to figure out what just happened before he goes inside.

Jungkook arrives at Lucy's house. As he walks up to the house, he notices that all of the lights are off. He wonders why none of them are on since it's pretty early for all of them to be in bed. Walking up to the door, he knocks and waits patiently for an answer. After a few knocks and no answer, Jungkook gives up and decides to go home.

On the way home, he texts Lucy to ask her if she's okay. Immediately after he presses send, he receives a text message from Namjoon. The message reads: "Meet me now. I need to talk to you."

Jungkook responds to Namjoon asking: "Okay, hyung. Where do you want me to meet you?"

After a few seconds, Jungkook receives an answer. "Jimin said that you went to see Lucy. I'm two blocks away from you. Meet me at the bus station."

 Jungkook responds. "Okay, hyung. I'mon my way."

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