What the worse part about it is Jake liked Dawn all the way back in the eighth grade. I didn't tell her like Jake told me to. After he confessed how much he thought she was pretty to me, he admitted he was too shy to talk to her. He asked if I can spill his secert to her. I, of course told him I would. I lied, and never told her. I don't really know why.. maybe because I was jealous that she was getting attention from boys before me, and she was shyest girl in our grade. I don't even think she even knew who Jake was until the seventh grade.

I'm pretty sure it was Serena that presauded him not to ever talk to Dawn personally. Only because she cornered me one day after first period, and asked if I told little Dawn about if Jake liked her. I kept my mouth shut at her and stared blankly. She told me to never tell Dawn becuase she was in love with Jake. I told her to kiss my fucking ass, but she sucker punched me in the face. I told Dawn I fell on a door knob. What a guillbale girl.

After that I was afraid of Serena, so I decided to keep the secret once more.

Anyway. After the interegation of Serena, Jake cornered me the next day, and asked if I ever told Dawn his secret. I said yes, and he beleived me. I told him she's too shy to talk to him, and that I would be the man in the middle. He gave me letters to give to her. I almost gave her the first one, but she began coming to school with bruises, and I thought it would be too much to give her letters from a boy she never even knew about in the first place. So I kept it and read it to myself. It was beautiful, and with each letter that was delivered to me, I began to imagine they were addressed to me.

He began drawing Dawn as well, but they weren't as beautiful as much as his words were. They were nothing special, just words that didn't do much aside from having a conversation. He grew frustrated that she never said hi to him or wrote him anything back. I told him that you don't know her life, and what's going in it. By this time I had accumulated some sort of a crush towards Jake, and we became seceret friends unbeknowest to Dawn. I lied once more and said Dawn had severe social anxiety, and doesnt like talking to people aside from and me and her parents. I also said she didn't have a cellphone. How he believed that, I have no clue. Aside from Serena probably whispering in his ear.

I wrote him a note, and I handed it off to him. That got him happy for days. But my guilt grew from the continued lies.

And when Dawn was around Jake they would be awkward. Dawn would look the other way, and Jake than began believing my lie because Dawn was such a shy girl back then. They had polar oppisite classes, which caused much greatness into them never bumping into each other, and when they did I would try for them to look the other way.

Things became more difficult, so I made Dawn get a boyfriend. Jake obviously saw and became bitter with her. The second boyfriend, I made sure for him to tongue her done right in front of Jake. All the while, he still wrote her love notes. H grew jealolus in them, but what made everything for him to stop liking her was the note I wrote to him. The single worse thing I've done to a human.

Dear Jake,
Please stop writing to me. It's become obsessive and quite werid. I'm telling you this now based upon the fact that you will not stop! please leave me alone!!!!!! Creepo!!!!! I have a boyfriend!!!!!!!!!!!! - Dawn

Lie. Dawn broke up with her "boyfriend" in two hours. I wouldn't even call it a relationship.

The worse part about this is I made her deliver it. I told her, "I had notes for Jake since he's been absent the other day in our math class together." Lie. I told her he was a jackass, and I didn't want to talk to him, but the teacher forced me to copy another a set of notes. I told her she should look rude when giving it to him, and not say anything because he was rude to me all the time. Lie. The folded paper was delivered, and he looked thrilled and happy she was finally giving him attetion. Until he read it. I thought it was finally my chance to tell him how I felt, but stupid bitchass Serena told him how she felt about him and all is well. He fucked me Sophomore year and that was that. Until Jake confronted me about that letter a few weeks ago and lets just say he was motherfucking livid. He still had my number, and he literally wanted to kill. He hated me with so much passion, that I almost was a afraid to leave my house. He didn't miss a beat when he practically spat on me when he saw me in school.

I was afraid he was going to tell Dawn. He never did, and I still don't know why he didn't.

And now Dawn stares at me wide eyed an angry as I spew the words at her.

"Since the 8th grade!" She raises her voice at me.

"It was the second half... of 8th grade." I laugh nervously to dispel some of her anger, or at least try to.

"That note! You made me give to him!"


"You're one of the most disgusting human beings I've ever met." She stands from the floor, grasping the box to her.

"You don't mean that." I stand with her. "Where are you going?" She begins to put back on her socks and shoes and putting her clothes on from yesterday.

"None of your business." She spits back. She swoops her bag over her shoulder and keeps the box with her.

"Wait." I grab at it. She turns around, and her stare breaks me out of what I was doing.

"If you think you are going to keep this, you're out of your damn mind." She snatches it out of my hands and walks out.

"You don't even need them! You already have him!"

She whips around. "So! Things could have been so much better if you weren't so fucking selfish." She runs down my steps and slams the door in my face. She waits there on my porch, and I would run after her, except I can tell she's sobbing. I don't know what to do or say to make this any better, so I watch through the window at my broken friend.


A/N: If you guys hadn't checked out chapter 70: Uprising. Please do so. Also it's a queen song because.... I was either about to watch the movie or I did already when writing this part. I don't really remember. Anyway... the plot thickens 😈😈 any thoughts?

Vote and comment down below and I'll try to answer as many questions as possible! Love ya! ❤️❤️❤️

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