30. Flashback (part 2)

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It will be too long if I explain everything so I am skipping to the main and important parts.
P.S. sorry for taking a long break.

A shocked Sameer Raichand was standing in between the basketball court gawking at Ruhani. Students were laughing and cheering Ruhani for her fabulous performance in basketball. Even though the match was a tie between Ruhani and Sameer but still she was praised as no one ever dared to challenge Sameer before and also no one ever scored a single basket against Sameer in their college.

"Congrats Ruhani you won." squealed Yuvani hugging her sister. Ruhani just chuckled and slapped lightly on her head.

"It was a tie Yuvi. For god sake at least learn the basics of a sport." annoyingly Ruhani rolled her eyes and walked towards Sameer who was still in shock.

"I guess the bet is off then. Are we good?" asked Ruhani with a playful smile. Sameer cleared his throat and a small smirk appear on his face.

"Yeah. But I have another proposal for you. Why don't you join our group." Sameer asked more like order her with a grin.

Ruhani chuckled and turns around to go back to her sister but felt a strong hand holding her wrist. She swiftly turn around and launched a kick that landed on the right side of other person's stomach. Sameer left her wrist and fell on his knees holding his stomach. " Don't touch me without my consent Mr. Senior. I would rather be alone then joining a group with bunch of fools." She scoffed and left from there.

"We will see Ms. Junior." muttered Sameer still holding his stomach and groaned in pain.


Ruhani was sitting in the cafeteria with Nikhil, Ishita and Yuvani enjoying her lunch when someone tapped on her shoulder. She turn around and came face to face with one of Sameer's friend. "What now?" asked Ruhani annoyingly.

From past two weeks Ruhani was tolerating the stupidity of Sameer Raichand. Sometimes he will accompany them at lunch. Sometimes he will block her way in the hallway just to annoy her and will stare at her without saying anything. He also broke some bones of the guys who talked to Ruhani and threaten them to stay away from her. He even punched Nikhil one time even though Nikhil fought back with equal strength but still it annoyed Ruhani to next level that she herself went up to Sameer and slapped him across the face. That day she pulled his last string. After the slap she did not see or hear anything from Sameer until now.

"Sam is calling you to the classroom." He replied . Ruhani chuckled and continued eating her lunch.

'And he thinks I will obey him or what?' she thought to herself.

After finishing the lunch she went towards her locker to get the book for next lecture. But as soon as she opened the locker a hand closed it with a bang. Ruhani turned around slowly and met with enraged Sameer.

"Ignoring me won't help you Sweetheart. Why didn't you meet me in the classroom?" Sameer asked annoyingly.

Ruhani rolled her eyes. " Oh am I your servant now your majesty?" sarcasm was driping from her each words.

Sameer held her wrist and dragged her towards the hallway. He stopped when reached the middle and shouted at everyone to listen to him.


Ruhani stood there in shock for good 10 seconds.

'Is he mad or what? I don't think he understand.' she thought.

Everyone started whispering and Ruhani just stared at him  as if he is crazy. Soon she came back to senses and removed his hand from her wrist. He again tried to hold her hand to which she slapped him. It was the second time she slapped him. Sameer's jaw tensed up and he held her hand and twisted it behind her back. Ruhani hissed in pain.

"Don't you think your hands are out of control sweetheart? Huh! Slapped me twice? You think I will let you go that easily? Wrong move." He whispered in her ear letting her hand go and he himself left from there.

Ruhani shrugged it and went to her next lecture still thinking what just happened.


Its been a year and today was Sameer's graduation. He was still thinking that how adventurous  his last year was in this College. It was just because of one girl 'Ruhani Malhotra'.

"SAM COME ON IT'S TIME FOR THE GROUP PHOTO" Sameer's friend shouted.

"Yeah." Sameer replied and went toward them for the group picture.

"So what about Bhabi? I heard you are going out of India for further studies."
Sameer's friend asked.

Sameer clenched his jaw at the thought of going away from his Sweetheart. " I don't know. Guess I need to wait for 2 more years till then she will be graduated as well. And my men will keep an eye on her and will give me her every information." Sameer coldly said.

Ruhani was out in the amusement park with her friends enjoying her vacations. " Let's take that ride." Ruhani dragged a scared Yuvani towards the Roller Coaster. Yuvani begged her to stop but she did not listen.

"Excuse me. I will sit with her you can go." suddenly Sameer sat beside Ruhani in Roller Coaster.

Ruhani rolled her eyes. "You again? You already tortured me alot for a year let me enjoy my vacation." she spat at him but felt guilty when she saw his sad eyes. She was confused at his expressions. This is the first time that his eyes were sad. Usually they show Pride, Ego, Attitude, and most of all anger.

"Just for today can you please not argue with me?" He weakly smiled. It was not an evil smirk but a sad smile.

'What's with him today? Why is he so......   Sad?' Ruhani tried to figure out.

"O-Okay. Are you alright?" Ruhani asked Sameer politely. He looked at her getting a little surprised. This is the first time she was polite with him.

"Nothing. This ride is probably the last time we are meeting. We are not going to meet again for a long long time Sweetheart. But I promise when we meet I will make your life adventurous again just like this Roller Coaster." Ruhani raised her eyebrows but kept Silent. She didnot ask anything else and Sameer also sat in silence enjoying the last ride with his Sweetheart. This last year was like this Roller Coaster for him. He smiled looking at Ruhani.

That was the last time they met and after that she never heard from him. She totally forgot about him until one day he decided to abduct her.


Hey you all. It's been a long time I know. New update is here. I will update next chapter if i receive a good response on this one.

I hope you guys are still interested in it.

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Love you guys🥰🥰🥰

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