Human pt 1

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I know we all like to joke that Sam and Bucky hate each other.
But honestly, they were instant friends. I mean the first time Sam meets Bucky that's not brainwashed is when he's stuck in the vise.

Then the car scene when bucky asks sam to move his seat up he says 'no' Sam doesn't act like he's walking on egg shells around bucky he treats him like he would anyone's else rather than babying him because of what he's been through

Then they're fighting at the airport together bantering like they've been friends for years. Bucky's jumping in front of spider boys for Sam. Sam's sacrificing himself so Steve and Bucky can get out.

Have you ever seen a bond so strong form so fast? In the span of a couple hours they're ride or die for each other

I rest my case

Incorrect Aavengers Headcanons: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now