Headcannon thingy

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Picture From tumblr but I don't remember where, I'm sorry

Personal headcannon thing: The first time Tony Stark ever saw the Spider Kid in action, in person, was when the vigilante lept off of his goddamned tower. For a photo op.
It had been one of the rare few moments in Tony's life where he'd been able to do nothing but stare in open-mouthed shock (even though he'd deny it until the end of time).
Was he..? Did a known vigilante just jump off of his tower for a fucking selfie? And more importantly, was he really wearing a onesie? Because that definitely looked like a onesie.
[Somewhere deep in his subconscious, the whispers had already started - telling Tony that he could easily make the Spider...-Person? (-Man?? Kid???) a suit that would be Amazing. Spectacular, even.]
He's long since shared these first impressions with Peter, who, unsurprisingly, still had the damn photo. Because of course he did. The Spiderling always made sure to back up his photos - his battered phone looked ready to take its dying breath at any given moment, after all [Tony made a mental note at the time to get the kid a Stark Phone, ASAP].
The photo made it's way to his inbox by the next morning, cheekily renamed 'MrStarksFirstGreyHair.jpg', and attached to an even cheekier message that read '1st of many'.
Tony let out a snort of indignation as he moved the message to his 'Actually Important' folder.

Tony looks at that photo quite often, now. Too often, if he's being honest [but he's not feeling honest right now].

Memories couldn't crumble to ash.

Incorrect Aavengers Headcanons: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now