Human pt 2

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Okay, to build off my last post, I love love love this scene, but when I started thinking about it, I can't help but feel like it shows so much about Sam. He runs a veteran therapy group, He knows loss and he knows pain and he knows war and sure no one knows quite what Bucky's been through but this is as close as anyone normal can get And sure when you think of veterans, when you think of people who have suffered and who have lost and been hurt so much, the world tells us that these people need extra special treatment, which can sometimes lead to them feeling further separated from the rest of society and make it harder for them to integrate back into the world

Bucky doesn't want to be singled out or made to feel different or ostracised because he suffered, He wants to feel normal and he doesn't want to feel as though everyone is treating him as a special exception and gives him everything he wants without having to do anything in return

And Sam knows this and he understands it and respects it

So when Bucky asks for something menial, Sam says no because it's giving him the sign that he's still normal. And that yes he went through hell but that doesn't make him any better or worse than anyone else, Sam lets Bucky know that he doesn't think he's made of glass or that having been broken in the past means he's fragile now. Sam tells Bucky no because dammit Bucky's been managing by himself for a goddamn year now and obviously he's been doing okay and he's managed to bring himself back all by himself so why the fuck shouldn't anyone treat him like they would anyone else, like any other human being

I love both of these characters with my heart and soul, and you've gotta admit they go together pretty well, even if you don't ship them their relationship as friends is amazing.

Incorrect Aavengers Headcanons: Part 1Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu