Slap bracelets and headcanons

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Headcanon: Peter wears multiple slap bracelets and is very into Vaporwave, but its peter just running around Avengers tower slapping neon bracelets on any and all available wrists

He gives the wrong colors to the bots, They spend 20 minutes sorting themselves instead of just taking them off.

He just wraps bracelets around Bucky's arms. He doesnt mind.
Buck knew he was coming and just offered his wrists; he's having far too much fun watching the erroring mismatched Bots and Sam's attempts to elude the spider repeatedly sneaking up on him.

It takes him all day but he finally manages to put a red one and grey one on Sam's wrists.
Wade spends the next few days keeping him in bed and making him rest.

Peter, weakly, his head on wade's lap: "Worth it."

Incorrect Aavengers Headcanons: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now