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From @/thorinsmut on tumblr

Ok, ok. What I don't get is why Venom has to be eating people, specifically? Like. There's a lot of other animals out there, my dude, and even if you're looking for something more often found in predators or what have you, you can eat predators. I mean, call me a crazy environmentalist but why isn't Eddie Brock renting himself out for invasive species control!? Oh, the everglades are overrun with invasive pythons? Lol, not anymore. Eddie took a vacation and now Venom is fat&happy and they've been banging like bunnies between bouts of snake-hunting. Ain't like Florida's going to think it's too weird that there's a huge monsterman out slurping down snakes like they're wiggly spaghetti. Let's be honest here, Venom is already basically a 'Florida Man' headline. Thanks for coming to my ted talk.

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