Chapter 10

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Selene found Optimus in his quarters. She twirled her hair around her fingers nervously. 'Geeze...why am I acting like this? It's just Optimus...I have known him my entire life... Well, my entire Cybertronian life...' She looked into the room only for her bright blue eyes to meet Optimus's bright blue optics. "Um, sorry, I didn't want to disturb you..." "You of all people should know that I am never too busy for someone." She felt his hand wrap around her and lift her up from the floor to settle her on the top of the workstation. "What is on your mind Selene?" "Well, remember when we were kids, and how we would go out for awhile. Y'know a date?" Optimus nodded, recalling all the times he taken her to some of Cybertron's most historic sites. "Do you think we could maybe do that sort of thing again? Now that we've found eachother again?" Optimus blinked at her, then smiled warmly. "Selene, I think that would be perfect. And since you are more familiar with Earth than I am, perhaps you could teach me more about this world historically." "I think I can name a few historical countries we could visit... But let's go a bit later on... I don't need Miko getting any bright ideas." Unsure of what "bright ideas" Miko could possibly have, Optimus noticed that Selene shuddered, no doubt recalling something rather unpleasant... Soon the two had arrived in Egypt, standing on the opposite shore of the Nile River. "See all those ancient buildings? They are what remains of most architectural society that ever lived." Optimus had to admit, there were somethings on Earth that always took his breath away, no matter how many times he saw them. He then activated his holoform, and hugged her from behind. She squealed, and studied him. God, she wanted to kiss him so badly. They walked hand in hand along the streets of Cairo for hours until they at last returned to base. "So, where do you want to go next time, Optimus?" He smiled and pecked her cheek. "Surprise me."

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