Chapter 9

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Selene and Optimus held eachother for Primus knows how long, and to be honest, neither of them cared. They didn't want to lose the other after just finding eachother again. Soon, Optimus pulled her away and set her back on the catwalk. "So... how do you feel, Selene?" Jack asked. "Honestly, better than I've felt in a long time. Physically, I'm still human, but mentally... I'm half way between human and Cybertronian. I have memories of my life on Cybertron back." Selene sighed running her fingers through her hair. Optimus smiled, he was grateful to Primus that he'd given his beautiful femme back to him. He loved watching her, she was just so perfect..."Optimus...? Hello, Earth to Optimus Prime?" He blinked back into reality when Selene's voice called his name. "Yes, Selene?" "I was saying that now that I have my memories of Cybertron back, it would probably be safer for me to be on base with you guys." "I for one would definitely not mind having you here." Ratchet said. Bumblebee beeped excitedly, Arcee and Bulkhead smiled and Optimus was practically trying not to melt. He felt like Primus had given him a second chance. And he was going to take that chance...Selene opened the door to the large truck. She looked around the base, and sighed. It was like coming home again. She joined Arcee at the back of the trailer 
hitched to Optimus. As soon as Selene was down, Optimus transformed and went to go fetch Ratchet who 
wasn't stationed at his usual position on the computer. Selene hauled things into one corner, not quite sure where it was going exactly. The kids pulled her from her work to play and talk about everything and anything. "So, Selene, how long have you known Optimus? With the exception of now." "Well, I pretty much knew him my entire Cybertronian life. But back then, he wasn't always Optimus Prime. When I grew up with him, he was archivist, and went by Orion Pax. His carrier was a good friend of my carrier." "Carrier?" Jack asked. "Carrier is Cybertronian for "mother" and sire is "father"." Selene explained. "In fact, I guess you could say Optimus was my guardian angel. Straight from the beginning. He was two vorns, or years to you guys, older than me at the time. I wanted to be a teacher, teach about my planet's history to younger generations. We were around our teens when Megatronus came into the picture. Orion and I started dating around that time." "Whoa! Back up. You and Optimus, Mr. Serious bot, dated?!" Miko cried, unable to believe the words she was hearing. "Yes, Optimus could let loose back then. Besides, most of our dates were mostly talking to eachother, you know, friendship hanging out." "About what?" Raf asked. "About the family we'd have, the perfect home, and the perfect life together. But we didn't actually start courting one another until we were both over 18 vorns, because of a law that caste system made. But just as we started to grow into a couple, the Decepticons launched a full scale attack on Iacon. Orion Pax disappeared, I was captured, and you know the rest." The three kids cringed, it was like a Cybertronian version of  the Greek legend of Orpheus, the musician who lost his true love. "So are you and Optimus still going to be a couple...?" Raf asked. Selene, looked at the Prime, catching his ever so sweet smile. "Of course we are. Afterall, it's gonna take more than death to keep me from the mech I love."

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