Chapter 4

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"I think she's coming to." Selene opened her eyes, only to groan at brights lights. "Selene, are you okay? You hit your head pretty hard." Jack asked once she came around enough. "I'm fine, I've been hit worse than this." She then looked up and realized it wasn't just the four of them. Five giant robots were all staring down at her. One was a girl robot, and the other four were boys. Naturally, one would be having a complete mental breakdown in this situation, but not her, she merely stared back. "How did you even get here?" "I kinda followed you, Jack. Sorry," Suddenly the largest metal being approached her, dropping on one knee to be at an eye level with the young woman. "We-" "You are autonomous robotic organisms from the Cybertron, also known as Autobots. You and your team are defend from the Decepticons, who are here to obtain Earth's supply of Energon, which is the fuel, ammunition and the life blood of all Cybertronians, no matter their affiliations..." All eyes stared at her in confused disbelief, even the bot who had began speaking, and she then realized what came out of her mouth. "How the heck do you know that?! Can you read minds?!" Miko asked, amazed at the fact that Selene had pretty much said the same sentence Optimus had used on her, Jack and Raf when they met the bots word for word. "I don't just sort of came out. And no, Miko, I can't read minds." Optimus stared at this new female human, her dark blonde hair stopped at the mid point of her back, and she wore a dark blue head band to hold her bangs back. She wore a pink button up shirt over a light grey t-shirt,as well as a grey belt around her waist. Black fingerless gloves covered her hands and a watch sat on her left wrist. Blue denim capris and black shin high boots. And to top it all off a pendant hung around her neck. It was a bright blue the same color as her eyes. Just the aura the girl had reminded him of her... "Do you know who any of us are?" A red and white bot asked. Selene studied him for a couple minutes. He and the other four weren't in alot of her dreams, but he was in them more than the other three. "I believe your name Ratchet?" Ratchet looked almost like he'd seen a ghost. She then moved on to the other four. "Um... Bulkhead...Arcee...and judging by the colors, I'm going to go with Bumblebee..." She then stopped at the largest one. She'd had only one dream of him, he was holding her in his servos, looking so utterly broken. She couldn't exactly remember the details of that dream, since everything in was all a blur except for him. She remembered someone saying his name. "... And you are Optimus Prime." The children could stare as the bots try to assess the situation. This girl not only knew a bit about what they were, but also had some sort of indication of who they were. It was almost as if she'd known them on an almost personal level. "W-What's y-your n-na-name, kid?" Bulkhead stammered. "Ok, A) I'm not a child, I'm 22 years old. And B) my name is Selene. Selene Grace Williams." It was right at that moment that Jack, Miko and Raf witnessed Ratchet almost having a Cybertronian equivalent of a heart attack.

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