Chapter 13

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Selene sat in the small office space, eyes staring at the clock as she waited nervously for June to get back to her with some test results. Why did time seem to go slower when someone needed answers? And once she got the answers she needed to know, how would it change things, especially between her and Optimus? Of course, back when she was a Cybertronian, and Optimus was Orion Pax, they had always talked about the possibility of settling down, and starting a family of their own. But the start of the war had ended that. But know that they were reunited once more, she still wondered if his feelings about having a family had changed at all since then. Or if they would even be able to start one of their own now that she was human. She nearly jumped three feet in the air when June came back into the small office space, a clipboard in her hand. "Sorry, didn't mean to startle you, Selene." June apologized. "It's fine, I'm just a little frazzled." "Anyway, I've got the results of the blood test back." Selene straightened at the sentence, "And?" "It came back positive...congratulations." Slene slowly let the words sink in, her hand subconsciously going to her stomach. It happened. It actually happened. She then smiled as her mind began going into maternal mode. Now, that she knew, it was just figuring out how to tell him...Optimus sighed wearily as he made his way back to his quarters upon returning from patrol. He was looking forward to just unwinding with Selene. Speaking of Selene...He perked up at her voice through the door, humming contently. He smiled and entered to see her sitting on his berth, her back facing him as she seemed to fiddle with something, but she soon looked up when he entered. "Hi, sweetheart..." she said as she scooted over to make enough space for him to sit down. "Hello to you as well, Selene." The two relaxed in each other's company, before Selene decide to ask that very important question. "Optimus?" he hummed a little to let her know that he was listening, "Do you remember, when we were younger, about how we would talk about the future? Namely about one day settling down and having a family of our own?" Optimus looked at her when he heard that. Of course he remembered that. Not a day went that he hadn't thought about what things could have been. About him and Selene settling down in a nice home, and raising Sparklings of their own. "Of course I did. Not a day went by that my feelings about us one day having Sparklings didn't change." He then arched a optic ridges in curiousity, "Why do you ask?" Rather than answer directly, she then moved a small box from behind her, and pulled out a piece of fabric. It looked like a piece of clothing, but he saw that it was far too small for her or even the children, so why would she-Suddenly his optics then noticed the inscription on it. Hi Daddy! I can't wait to meet you! Coming soon! He stared for a few more seconds, then all at once the pieces fell into place in his head and he looked at her with a hopeful expression. "Selene, are you truly...?" She smiled and nodded as joyful tears rolled down her face. He then grinned like an idiot and began showering her in kisses. It was a miracle that had been given to him, and he would banish himself to the Pit if he ever thought of letting it go.

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