Chapter 5

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The leader of the Autobots stood quietly. Not saying a word. As did most of his team. They all simply stood in silence; trying to comprehend the information just given to them by one strange, young woman. Selene Grace Williams. The girl in question sat in similar silance...just...waitng... for someone to say something. Apparently learning she somehow knew what they were and who they are was a bit much to take in. Then that she thought about it...she could easily understand why they'd be thinking that. After all, just mere minutes ago...that was what she had felt. She listened to the kids as they filled her in on how they had gotten pulled into the team. She didn't even hear the elevator doors open to reveal a stocky man with dark skin and curly black hair. He was wearing black trousers, a white shirt and a grey suit jacket. His tie was black with yellow and red stripes. His gaze went straight to Optimus, and to be fair to the man he didn't flinch or show any signs of being intimidated by Optimus and his fellow Autobots. Then his gaze fell on her with Jack, Miko and Raf. The look on his face was a sign that he was furious. "Contact with another civilian?! Prime, you're really crossing a line!" Fowler grabbed her by the arm. The seconds that followed were ones he was likely going to regret. Anyone who knew Selene knew darn well that one should never, repeat NEVER, sneak up on her or startle her. She was not only tall for her age, but was also exceptionally strong and had lighting fast reflexes. One time her dad snuck up behind her to scare her for an April Fool's day prank, and Selene had actually broken his collarbone when she flipped him over her shoulder. And she had been twelve at the time! Selene grabbed Fowler's arm, twisted it behind him and flipped him over his shoulder, sending him smacking onto the floor. The kids cringed, each imagining the pain he must be feeling. The bots were stunned that the girl had managed to flip Fowler like a ragdoll. But for Optimus, he saw the image a femme flipping a grey mech over her shoulder flash through his processor. Selene then pinned him down. "Selene, stop! That's Agent Fowler! He's with us!" The words clicked in her head and she immediately backed off. "Oh my gosh! I am so sorry! Sometimes I just don't know my own strength!" "No, that's fine. I've been in the military, I'm used to being flipped over. Nice reflexes though." When Fowler stood, Optimus could see this girl was a titan in her own rights, she stood a foot taller than Fowler and had to lean over to look him in the eye. Suddenly Selene's cellphone went off. "Hello...?.... Speaking..." As the caller on the other end talked, Selene felt her world fall apart around her as her phone dropped from her hand. Fowler scooped up the phone and talked with the caller. A few minutes later, he hung up. "What's going on?" Jack asked. "Neighbors reported that someone broke into Selene's home, apparently looking for her, from the male voice yelling "Where is she?!" When her mother refused to tell the attacker, he-" All eyes then looked at Selene as she crumbled in Jack's arms, as she lost all sense of composure, crying. ""

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