Chapter 2

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The sound of laughter rang out as three forms raced across the metal landscape. "See? This is the best stargazing spot in all of Iacon." A pink and dark blue femeling robot declared gesturing to the the open metal valley below. Two mechlings sat on either side of her, one red and blue, the other purple and gray. The light had faded given way to the night and the three younglings gazed at the stars. "Selene, you were quite right, the stars are beautiful here." "And to think you almost stayed behind at the Hall of records studying, Orion Pax." The grey bot laughed. "Ha ha, laugh as much as you want, Megatronus. Last time I checked, Selene had to drag you out of the pits of Kaon." The three were all soon laughing. Then the femeling took a metal stick and began etching something on the metal wall. Orion looked and smiled at what he saw was a crude drawing of the three of them. "We'll always be best friends, right?" Selene asked. "Of course will. Till all are one." The three then hugged eachother as they continue to stare at the stars... Selene woke up at that moment. She pulled out her journal and began to write. May 16th, 2012
Dear Diary,
I had one of those dreams again. The one with the two robots in it. And The red and blue one, Orion, he was actually kinda cute. But what do the dreams mean? I mean come on, 19 years of dreams about robotic beings can't be wrong. Is it some deity up there trying to tell me something? I seriously wish I had some kind of answer... Selene began sketching. Ever since she learned to draw, she was excellent at details and her work was very realistic. This one was a half finished one of Orion Pax. "Selene? What are you doing awake at this hour?" She saw her mother standing in the doorway. "Can't sleep mom. I've tried." She scooted over as her mom sat on her bed. ", where did you get the idea for my name? And don't lie to me..." "Well, I always told your father that I got the idea of your from the Greek goddess of the moon, Selene. But really, your name was chosen for you." "Chosen? By who?" Selene asked. "Well, a few months before you were born, a being came to me in a dream. He told me that you would be destined for greatness, and that there was someone who needed you." After her mother left, Selene had some answers but now had more unsolved questions. She then laid down and let sleep reclaim her.

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