Chapter 12

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It had been a few months since they reunited, and it was the most peaceful the base had ever been. Optimus and Selene had soon settled into a sort of blissful routine, his quarters now became theirs as she began to move into it, essentially their relationship pretty much started from where they left off. It was nice to see him show more emotion in his life now, and everyone agreed that Selene had brought out the young Archivist still within him...Optimus stirred awake at the sound of vomiting and glanced up at the bathroom. He sat up on his berth, optic ridges furrowed in concern, he then looked up as Selene exited the bathroom, her face a bit pale and sweaty. "Are you alright?" he asked worriedly. She gave him a smile and leaned into his touch."No worries, it's probably just the flu. I'll be fine," He didn't really believe her, but decided to drop it for now...Selene hummed as she straightened up her portion of the room, Optimus had left on patrol with Arcee, so she was trying to keep herself busy until he got back. She reached over to grab the hoodie sitting on her bed, only for a faint thud to grab her attention, and her eyes looked down towards a notebook on the floor. "Huh, was wondering where that went-" she then stopped short as she then realized something. She was late. She then remembered her bout of illness this morning. Was it even possible that she might be...? She bit her lip, before going to her cellphone. She waited as it rung until a voice answered the other end. "Hey, Miss Darby, it's Selene. I was wondering if you could maybe squeeze me in for an appointment this afternoon?"

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