Chapter 3

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The next day, Selene called Raf's home only to find out that he was hanging out with his friend he called 'Bee'. She pondered the name as she walked along the street. 'Bee... Why does that sound so familiar? Where have I heard that name before?' Suddenly she saw Jack hopping on his motorcycle, and drive off, only he was heading in the wrong direction. 'Okay, where are you going, Jackson Darby?' She was well built for her age, having taken up exercising daily, so she fit enough to run after Jack from a fair distance. She followed him to the large plateaus in the middle of the desert. Why on Earth would he come here? She studied the rock wall, before discovering something deeply odd. "A key pad?! In a rock face?! Okay, if I needed a key pad, what code would I use? Hmm, maybe an important historical date..." She muttered, leaning her hand on the panel. She was unaware of the blue energy surging from her palm and automatically opening a secret door. Selene walked down a quite hallway to see a much larger room. "Whoa..." She gazed at the giant computers and ring like tunnel, then noticed the symbol on the floor, it looked like a robotic face. "Where have I seen this before...?" She continued to look around, everything so totally strange to her and yet so familiar, like she'd seen these things all the time. Why did everything in here feel so god dang familiar to her?! Suddenly alarms sounded, nearly making her jump out of her skin. "Oh, scrap!" But in her panic she stepped backward on wires and cried out as she fell backwards. Her head whacked against a metal wall behind her and she sagged to the floor. She saw blurry figures running toward her when everything went black.

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