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A/N Hey... ummm...
when did I get over 300 followers...?
When I checked yesterday I saw about 100... I have many questions... But I shall ask them at the end of this chapter!
This does happen during the tournament arc.
May the Lotus Guide you!

*Prince Nello/Main capture target PoV* {Bet none of you expected that!}

Today is a special day for the world of Atherium. Today is Hallows Eve.
Where Dark type magic is the strongest.

Many Demons from hell appear this day and cause chaos.

Well, I never believed in this Childs story!

Until today...

Currently, I was standing in front of a full body mirror and internally screaming.
This wasn't my body.
If I remember correctly when I looked over at the Yokai royal family I saw this body.

It was their bodyguard.

But wait... If I'm not in my body... Who is?!

I hope they don't ruin my relationship with Alicia...

*Belize's/Child of Death*






Sahnahlot told me about this person, and how important he is to her game.

Prince Nello, the main capture target.
And I'm in his body...

What god put me into this situation!!! {Half me Half white-rozu }

Wait doesn't this mean I have to deal with Alicia Dragon?!?

Oh, I want to die~

*Knock Knock*

Oh God
"W-who is it?"

Please don't be Alicia, please don't be Alicia please don't be-
"Mou~ it's Alicia. I said yesterday I was coming to wake you up!" You could hear the pout.

Sighing I went and opened the door, and was immediately greeted by a kiss on the cheek.
This made me blush red.

I hate this...
The King and Queen of the Yokai call me a Tsundere, because of my personality. After a while, I started to like them but like hell, I'll tell them...

I don't want to draw attention to myself, so I guess I have to act as Prince Nello does...

"" But I don't know how Prince Nello/ Their bodyguard acts..."" Both Nello and Belize thought at the same time.

*Prince Nello*
Sighing I started to get into the armour.
Once the armour was on, I looked around and saw a massive sword resting by the foot of the bed.
I tried to pick it up with both hands, but it didn't budge. I let go of the sword, with my left hand coming off first.

The next thing I know I was on the floor with the sword in my right hand.

This sword is massive, one would assume that it would need two hands to hold, yet here I am, holding it with one hand...

Sighing I sheathed it on my back and headed towards where the people I'm supposed to protecting are.

Wait don't know where they sleep.


I hate this~

I want to be back in my body doing my j...ob,

Nonononono this won't go well!!!

Well, I should be able to watch over them soon.

Currently, me Alicia and NELLO's bodyguard are making our way to the arena.

Once there I could the royal Yokai from where I'm sitting.
The fight today was two Yokai versing two Humans. The Yokai was a Kitsune and a Nekomata.
I didn't really pay attention to the match, but I could tell that the person in my body was...

I could see at least three dangers with what he is doing.
1. He isn't paying attention to his surroundings
2. He isn't in a ready combat stance

If the King and Queen get some much as a scratch on them I am going to lose it.

*Prince Nello*
This is a close match.
The Yokai are doing very well.
They are also very interesting, the female has a black lose outfit, most likely from the Yokai capital, the outfit is open at her shoulders giving a view to her... Mountains. The interior of the outfit was red, and she had a yellow sash around her middle.
The most interesting feature was the two cat ears and the two cat tails.

The other one was a small female, she looked more refined than the cat, she had the same style clothing but it was Yellow with a red sash and wasn't open at the shoulders.

The magic the Yokai used was interesting... It seemed they would never run out of mana.

Suddenly I got a chill down my spine, as I finally noticed that someone was starting in my direction...
Looking around I could see that it was my body glaring at me.

Ah, I know who's in my body...

The Yokai Bodyguard...

Ah, he finally noticed... Yup, I've lost my job...

Thankfully the match was over quickly. And due to it being a holiday the rest of the matches were cancelled, which I was thankful for.

Now all I have to do is hope no one tries to kill the Yokai King and Queen when I'm not fully there


Thankfully, Belize didn't have to wait long as he soon passed out at the same time as Nello did.

When they woke up, they found out something...

More like a nightmare to be honest


Now for my questions.
For people who have just recently started to read my story, What made you want to read this?
For people who have been with me for a long time, What makes you want to continue this story?
And for the people who have followed me, Why have you followed me?
Anywho! Enjoy your Halloween and the Lotus Guide you!

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