17. Bombshell after Bombshell

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I'm writing this directly after the last chapter as a wave of inspiration hit me! So I MUST WRITE! Also, we are close to the end of this book, as sad as it is, I say close... I possibly have one more chapter for the Koulot arc then we go onto the Tournament, then it's one or two more chapter before I end this book... So I say about 7-8 more chapters left.
So I'm gonna ask you all a question, who's story shall I write?
The child of Nature
The child of Death
The child of Moon?
It's up to you guys!
May the lotus guide you!

After an hour passed Koue and his family knew everything. To say they were shocked was an understatement.

"So that's the entire story..." Zorlo said.
Koue looked over at me and gave me a sad smile, "And here I thought the most trouble you had was at school... Haaa~" he sighed.
"It's not your fault, Zorlo and I decided that it would be best to keep this secret from the world until we find out who the other 'Children' are. Plus if I get close to them we both would feel it thanks to this ring. We would know where each other are, and hopefully, all of us would run to each other." I explained.
"Yeah, that would be best. Also, can we safely assume that you are the 'One of Knowledge'?" Kyuu asked.
"It would seem so, I don't think anyone else has appeared on Zorlo's map to offer a place in the institution."

"So that would leave Child of Nature, Moon and Death. Along with One of Strength, Ability and Beauty." Tamotsu stated, "and you guess that it's either a Werewolf or a Vampire for The child of Moon, and either a Fae or an Elf for The child of Nature. Well believe it or not but the Fae aren't really a part of Nature, granted yes they do live in a dark forest but because of a revolt between the fairy's and the Fae, and the Fae winning killing all the Fairies, Nature, somehow, kicked out the Fae from its system. Leaving only the Elves to sustain it."

wait why haven't I heard of this?!
"Wait when did this happen!?" Zorlo asked.
Even he didn't know!?

"About 20 years ago," Kyuu said nonchalantly.

Zorlo sighed, "Any other news you want to tell us that might help..."
"Yes actually, Elves have amazing abilities, so it that's another crossed off your list! Also, unlike popular belief Werewolves aren't in anyway associated with the moon, but Vampires are. ALSO, Vampires can be extremely beautiful. So that's another one done." Kyuu told us with a smirk.

"But that leaves The child of Death and One of Strength... Oh... It's a Demon..." Zorlo told us.

The entire room went silent... Why would it not? A demon is a part of a prophecy means a lot.

"Well, that changes things..." I sighed.

"You guys sure took your time on this... I expected more from my descendant..." A female voice sighed.

Wait, descendant...? Who is she on about.

"Who are you?!" Zorlo shouted.
"Well, I'm sure three beings here recognise me... Or my voice."

"MASTER!" The three winds spirits shouted.

I remember the winds saying that one of their masters' family was killed by a Dragon, said Master was taught by a Dragon and said Master became really famous when she returned, that she gained a Noblehood but after her first children she disappeared and was believed to ascend to godhood...

The founder of the Dragon family could speak to Dragons and according to legend ascended to godhood for her heroic deeds...

no f-ing way.

Shock appeared on my face very clearly that the female voice laughed.

"Well it seems like Sahnahlot figured me out. Yes I am who you think I am, Praaz shul grind, mal dovah!" She greeted.

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