18. The Meeting

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A/N Hey all...
Now before I start this chapter, I would like to just say one thing.
Back in chapter 3 of this book, when I introduced the 'Winds' I will admit I stole it from rowaneve, but we talked about it and I apologised and gave them credit where due. I'd say they were more flattered than angry or sad at me to be fair.
Oh and before any of you ask, I don't know if I will write a smut/lemon for Koulot. It depends on if 1)I get Begged. And 2) If I can write it...
Anyway! Here comes the tournament arc!
May the Lotus guide you!
Hmmm~ so warm and comfy~

"OI! SAH! KOUE! YOU AWAKE YET?!" Zorlo shouted from outside my door.

Damn him...
"Give us a minute" Koue called back.
Once I opened my eyes I looked up and saw Koue smiling down at me.
"Good morning my little Dragon. Was your pillow comfy?" He asked with a teasing smile.
Confused I looked at was I was lying on.

I was on Koue...

Blushing I thought back on what happened last night. And blushed even harder.
"Did that really happen?" I muttered.

There no way, I must have been dreamin- my thoughts got interrupted when Koue gave me a small peck on the lips.

"Is that proof enough?" He asked me with that teasing smile.

I slowly nodded

"Well it's best not to keep them waiting," Koue said as he picked me up and carried me into the main room like a doll.

Oioioi! I am not a fragile doll here!

Once in the main room, Koue's mother had an all-knowing smirk on her face.
Zorlo laughed once he saw Koue carrying me. "That's a nice doll their Koue. Do you know where I can get one?" He joked.


Koue slowly put me down. I kicked him in the shin, hard, and stormed over to my workbench to work on my projects.

Kyuu was openly giggling at her son's actions, "Koue dear. It's not a good idea to make your future wife angry at you."
Koue just grunted in pain.

Both older males just looked at each other and just shrugged.

"Anyway, Sah, we have some preparations to do!" Zorlo exclaimed happily.

"Why? I'm already preparing! I have 3 months before I have to leave! There is no way that I can finish this, prepare for my journey AND finding the other three while preparing for something else!" I exclaimed, not even looking back at him.
"Ah, but it's a tournament between all of the schools, The Elfish School of Magic, The High King Academy and The World Aetherium school of magic. There will be many races at this tournament, the other three might be there." Zorlo said
"Yeah, true. But what about the Demon?" I asked

"I can answer that dear," Kyuu said. "We are coming to watch the tournament so Zorlo will hire a bodyguard for us, a Demon one. Hopefully the Child of Death."

I nodded in agreement.
"Fine... What do we need to do...?" I reluctantly asked.
"Well, first we need an area to host..."

He continued on rambling about the tournament for a good few hours with the rest inputting some ideas.
Halfway through I made some chairs for us. Once Koue sat down, I found my chair.

His lap.
In response, he wrapped his arms around me pulling me closer, I responded by smuggling in closer with a loving kiss on his lips.



After weeks of planning and getting everything into place, the tournament is opening!
Currently, I'm in my pocket dimension working on my inventions, waiting for Zorlo.

"Hey, master the old man is asking for you!" Astil told me.

"He truly has the worse timing possible... Astil open the book please." I asked.

A door appeared in response, sighing I walked through. And appeared next to Zorlo.

"Hey Sah. They will be here soon." He told me with a smile.
"Uggh, I was so close to finishing as well..." I groaned.
"Well if there's no pull you may leave, but if there is. Go." He said seriously.
I nodded.

"Koue and his family will be after every other school, they are also bringing some of their students as well," Zorlo told me.

A couple of seconds later a portal opened up, and about 50-60 students walked through with 6 teachers. Soon after another portal opened up, and the same amount of people walked through.

Once everyone was through Zorlo and I walked up to the stage to greet everyone.

"Welcome, to the 1,264th international tournament! My name is Zorlo Yeager, Leader of the Magi Institute! And this Beautiful young lady here is my assistant for this Tournament is Sahnahlot Dragon, Heir to the Dragon family!"
I curtsied in response.
"Greetings! As Zorlo as said I am his assistant during this event. Yes, I am still a student so I will be in the tournament. That also means I won't be fighting at full strength, except for the final. Anyway, if there are any problems regarding students from other schools or you just want to ask me some questions then come to my office in the main building."

"Now before you may get settled down and explore the area and find your rooms, we will be having another school enter." Zorlo's voice boomed as another portal opened up with 50 Yokai students walking through along with their teachers. Last through the portal was Kyuu and her family all wearing royal looking Yukata's.
"Let me introduce the Yokai royal family and their school!"

We are all here!

The introductions went on for a while after that. But soon I made an announcement.
"Now, before we let you go, this will only apply to three of you. I'm sure you know who you are, I will say this. I am one of you." I said and walked off to my office to wait for them.

A/N Let the games begin!
Time to meet the other three of the prophecy! I'm actually excited to write them!
Anyway, I have some news for you all! Currently, I'm making a Discord server for me to interact with you all better, all I need are some bots and a server picture and most importantly PEOPLE!. On this server, I will be putting Sneak peaks at the next chapter, and its a place where I most likely put 'Discord Only' Polls. And a bunch of other stuff. So if anyone wants to join ask and I shall message them with the invite!
May the Lotus Guide you!

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