3. Adventuring Part 1

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A/N I know, I know I said that Sahnahlot would be going to school in this chapter, but then I think realised going to a deadly forest while in school is going to be hard... soooooo yeah.

Yes you read correctly 'Part 1' There will be another part or more depending on how long the next chapter is.

In this chapter, we meet new 'friends'? if Sah can even count them as friends


Uggh a month till school. The only good part about the school I can find out is the huge library filled with every book you could want, well except family books like my family 'Dragon tongue' which is one of a kind and will never be copied.

Anyway, I decided today would be the day I went out and went looking for the Basilisk, Demon bunny and The Spirit Wolf. I'll go for the Basilisk first as it is the most dangerous and if I die I doubt anyone would care, but I doubt my plan would fail.

So I started to plan what to take, food for both me and the animals? are they even that? A tent, as I will be gone for a few days, water and warm clothes.

Once I had finished I made a note for father and slipped it under his office door and started to leave and head towards the forest.

After a while, I started to hear voices in the wind

"The Humans are rude these days, always pushing past us splitting us into pieces,"

"Oh look there's a Human, I bet she is going to break us into pieces!"

"No, I don't think so she is moving slow, so we can move around her"

"A slow Human? Well, I've just about seen everything then,"

"Even the inside of fire?"

"Hmph that fire, eating all of our friends"

"I know right, it's not our fault we kill them, blame the Humans, they use us AND water to kill them, They should be going after water NOT us"

The voices didn't seem to stop, it seemed that they are following me to the forest.

"Why... follow?" I asked.

"Wait can she hear us?"

"She probably can't hear us"

"Well, who do you think she's talking to then?"

"I don't know, but how can she hear us?"

"Why follow?" Sahnahlot asked again.

"She's so quiet and she doesn't spit on us"

"Yeah I like her"

"Yeah better than our other masters"

"Yeah like the Duke of Fae, he was detestable always moving never stopping kicking up dust and making us dirty!"

"And the Duke of Elves, he never stopped talking and he was stupid, he called a leaf a dog"

"Who calls a leaf a dog? That's stupid!"

"I know right"

"HA remember the time we left Jordis for a period of time?"

"Oh yeah, the look on her face was funny when she couldn't push even a tiny leaf"

"Remember the time when our master was a teenage girl?"

"Yeah her family was killed by a Dragon right?"

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