6.Uggh just get to the main story already....

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A/N You know that holidays are supposed to be fun... I'm bored as hell. So my lucky readers I SHALL WRITE MORE TO GET RID OF MY BOREDOM!!!
Your welcome~
Also after this chapter there will be a HUGE time skip, as I wana get to Sahnahlot's teenage years, where the 'game' REALLY starts
Ideas and criticism welcome!
Hmmm I should change that...
Well the only good part is the HUGE library. That I may or may not have read about half of it in a week or two....
The library is massive it's around 314 feet (96 metres) and is FILLED with books. They have books on everything, well except the Yokai.
Currently, I am reading 'Mythical weapons of history and magic' There are the 6 most known weapons/items. The Sword of Fire, The Amulet of Water, The Bow of Air, The Bracelet of Earth, The Staff of Light and The Trident of Darkness. These items ARE powerful, but they aren't the strongest, The strongest weapons are lost in time. Only their names are known, their powers and whereabouts are unknown.
The Sword of Volcanos, The Amulet of Waves, The Bow of Storms, The Bracelet of Mountains, The Staff of The virtues and The Trident of Sins. The last two are holy relics that not even the leader of the church has access to.
However, these weapons are in the 'Elemental' category. There are some 'Race' weapons. Where the weapon is ONLY for that race, like for the Yokai they, like in Japan mythology, They have The Masamunes, and the Muramasas and the rest. The weapons in the 'elemental' category are stronger than the ones in the 'Race' category simply because you have to have to meet certain criteria. While for the 'Race' the Race leader must bestow the person with the weapon.
1. Have a natural affinity, e.g. To use the Bow of Air, you must have a natural affinity to the Air element. {Basically the elements that are shown during your 'Naming ceremony'}
2. To know the difference between being born as a Noble, and truly being Noble.
3. To have a Noble goal, no matter if it is for good or evil.
The 4th criteria is faded and can't be read.
There is one final category where the majority of the weapons goes, The 'Minor Elemental' where elements like my 'Shadow', Mahiru's 'Spatial' and Silver's 'Spirit', even though some of the 'Minor' magics are extremely powerful, Nobility has ruled them as 'Minor' because of the low amount of 'Nobles' getting the magic. It's stupid....
There is more on the powers, but it's not like I'm going to get one right....? Right!?!
During school, I still am required to wear the mask, not that I mind because my face won't give me much attention, but it's gotten to the point where I constantly wear it as there is no point in me not wearing it.
During the three weeks that me and Alicia have been at this school. Alicia has gained many things. Useless knowledge, a fan club and somehow a boyfriend, I mean it's not going to last long, because she has many other capture targets and this kid ain't one... I think and plus it's a kinda 'baby love'? If that's the correct way of saying it.
Me what I have gained?
Welllllll let me tell you!

Wellll except for some knowledge that's USEFUL.
Well anyway during these past few weeks, Johnathan has been coming over the house and playing with Alicia and eventually those two- I say those two I mean Alicia, fell in love with each other.
Oh, the worse part about this is that Johnathan encourages Alicia to go a look for me EVERY SINGLE DAY. It gets annoying, and they disrupt my silence and my reading.
One day a message came for Alica. Johnathan had died, turns out he had a heart condition that couldn't be cured.
Alicia cried for weeks on end with my parents comforting her. Spending money on her and almost ruining our finances.
Our family has a small little town we govern over, people move here because of dragon attacks and dragons never attack here. Why? No one knows...
But anyway the people In the town never liked Father, when she shows up he only goes to bars and... those 18+ places.... And causes trouble, and he also has a high tax rate... he is slowly killing this family....
During the time Alicia was upset Father forgot about his duties of running the town.
So I decided that I would take matters into my own hands and do his work for him.
It was easy really, just lower the taxes by a percentage or 10 use less money on bars and.... Those places and more money on more important businesses, and less money for father to spend.
While going through the paperwork I saw some engagement proposals, so I declined mine and set out a letter out saying that I could not be married unless I say so. And left Alicia's alone, but I doubt Father would give her away.


One day on my way to Father's study I overheard Alicia and mother talking. So I decided to listen.
"I don't want to go to school mommy..." Said Alicia crying.
"I understand honey, but you still are going to have to learn, can't have my daughter be stupid now can we?" Mother laughed softly.
HA! You're saying you're not stupid! You have spent a fortune on a crying 3-year-old child and are planning an expensive way for her to get an education.... Yeahhhhhh no. You're stupid.
Wait this means I have to attend....... Ugggggghhhhhhhhhhh don wananaaaaaaa~
I decided that I would go to sleep and complain about this to Silver and the rest.
A/N Yup short one.
There are three things I wana say/talk about.
1. Like I said at the top. Next chapter will be after a HUGE time skip, where Sahnahlot will be 16-17 years old. Where she will be extremely beautiful, with possible unmatched beauty. Cuz why not. She will have mastered all of her magic, Air, Shadow, Spirit (story behind this), and Spatial. And many more.... Possibly....
2. Considering I have not had a single person say No for Sahnahlot to find love. I will end the 'poll' and say that she will find love and we shall meet that love next chapter.... Wait is that spoilers?.... Wellll we are meeting the capture targets next.... Soooo no?....
3. I have to say thank YOU, the readers, for voting and commenting on this story. It puts a smile on my face whenever I see on my phone that someone has either commented or voted on one of my stories. I show my friends and joke saying "Hey look! I'm slowly becoming famoos!" So once again thank you, people, for reading my stuff!
[Insert motto/catchphrase here]

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