He grabbed my hand with one of his and entwined our fingers as he drove. "You know, I've always imagined having a little girl like you who I could just spend time with and enjoy every second of it. And with you, I have that." He smiles.

"Thank you, daddy." I blush. With that, he pulled our hands up to his face and kissed my hand. I smiled to myself and sat quietly as he drove. I stared out the window as he drove, he wasn't listening to music though and after a few minutes, it drove me crazy. "Can you play some music please?" I piped up, my agitation clearly heard in my voice.

"I cannot because I'm driving but plug your phone into the charger and pick some music. We can set it up to the Bluetooth later." He let go of my hand so that I could plug my phone in. As soon as he saw that I had plugged it in, he grabbed it again. I chuckled and felt tingles explode through my body. I never realized how much I was missing out on when it came to physical affection. I scrolled through my music on Musi and found a song that I wanted to listen to.

Gasoline by Halsey started to play through his speakers. He looked at me and cocked an eyebrow. "What is this?" He asked curiously.

"A good song, now listen and learn," I smirked at him. He pulled up to a red light and turned to face me.

"Oh yes, dom me, baby." He laughed and kissed my nose. I giggled and scrunched my nose up.

"Yeah, do you like that?" I wrapped my hand around his throat and looked up at him. His eyes met mine and he gave me a lustful look. I gasped and pulled my hand away. "Oh, you do!" I exclaimed, shocked. He chuckled and looked back at the road just as the light turned green. I sat back in my seat and eyed him cautiously.

Time seemed to stand still, not the dreaded elongation of every second into minutes, and not the speedy race on which could go by faster, the minutes or the seconds. Instead, I was placed into this beautiful moment of getting to watch Mr.Porter gracefully drive and I was never taken out of it. His hands would randomly flex and his eyes flicked from the road to me and back to the road. Every time he looked at me, the corner of his lips would move upwards creating such a beautiful smile that met his eyes. Gosh, he was everything I could've ever imagined and more.

It's crazy how it had literally only been a week and a few days that we'd been involved together and I'd already learned so much about the type of person he is. I can tell that he's the loyal and honest kind. The kind you could depend on for anything, no matter who you were and he'd be there to back you up. I could tell that he was the kind of person I was missing from my life. He was the kind of person I thought of endlessly, the kind I could spend every waking second with and not ever get tired of all of the little habits they have. And I hadn't learned all of his habits, but I did notice how he tensed up when I pressed his buttons but he didn't get angry. How he would always grab my hand or kiss my forehead instead of my lips. I wanted to spend so much more time just watching him and learning the rhythm of his heartbeats and the way his mind worked. I wanted to learn who he was, not just the type of person he was. But I wanted to learn what memories made him who he was, and who he will be based on his present actions.

Gosh, I know I sound obsessed, but there really is something special about this man. I wanted to keep him just a little bit longer. I wanted us to stay stuck in that little moment, watching his hands flex and his lips smile at me.

I hadn't noticed that we had arrived to the place where he was taking me until the music stopped and he looked at me. "Are you ready?" He asked. I shook my head to wake myself up from my trance.

"Hmm?" I looked at him confused but then realized he was taking me out to breakfast. "Oh, yeah! Breakfast. Got ya, I'm on the same page. Let's go." I opened the door before he could even get out of the car to open my door for me. I closed the door and leaned against it, heaving a sigh out and closing my eyes. I listened to the sounds of the cars driving past as everyone headed on their way to work. I felt hands grip my wrist and I smiled, my eyes still closed.

Teach Me, DaddyWhere stories live. Discover now