Chapter 25

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So y'all know its around that time for the book to come to an end there might only be 2 or 3 chapters left 5 tops but don't worry I'm adding anther book to the real love with a thug series called "Real love with a thug trilogy:New life". You can go check it ouit because i published it but there is only a cover so y'all can see it and tell me how y'all like the cover blah blah but enjoy this chapter and comment, and vote.


*Alicia* *2 days later*

I was in the bathroom washing my hair when i heard banging on the door. 

"What" i yelled. 

"Can you hurry so I can shower" Kayla said rudely. 

I'm fed up with her shit first she take my man, then this bitch constantly throw shade every chance she gets, and this hoe always asking to use the bathroom when I'm it.

"This house got two bathrooms" i yelled from inside.

"Jasmine in the other one" she said more calmly.

"Then go ask her" i said. 

"Whatever" she mumbled. 

I heard foot steps walking away and continued to wash my hair. You see what I mean why can't she ask Jasmine for the bathroom. One day I'm beat this bitch ass, she got one more time i swear.

I finished up my hair and wrapped the towel around and stepped out the bathroom in my rube with nothing underneath .

I heard a man laughter and the kids laughing so i walked to see who it was.

"hey" Snoop stood from his kneeling position in front of the kids .

"hi" i simply said. 

"So that's what you wear all day" he asked motioning to my robe.

"Does it matter not like we can go away where" i gave him an attitude. 

"Well excuse me for asking questions" he said.

"Kids go to you room" he told mason and GiGi.

"So how Jasmine doing" he asked

" she doing fine" i lied. 

Truth is I never seen her look any worse. All she does is take showers constantly and cry and sleep. I even have to force her to eat.

"Oh well tell her we're working on finding Jay" he said.

"we're" i asked confused. 

"Me and Hakeem and the rest the squad" he said. 

"When did Hakeem get out the hospital" i asked. 

"The same day he went in he got some nurse to give him discharge papers" he said. 

Sounds like something he would do i thought, mentally rolling my eyes. 

"How you doing" he asked in a deep sexy voice. 

"Actually I'm going terrible cuz yo fucking girl. I'm telling you she got one more time to say some shit to me Snoop and its gone be world war 3 .

"Can y'all chill out for a couple weeks or maybe months like damn y'all ain't gotta speak" he said. 

"Why you telling me this like it's my fault you need to tell her that shit, you coming at me like i got the problem when I don't it's her so you need to check her not me" i almost yelled. 

"Man what ever you on some shit right now. where Kayla at" he asked. 

"I don't know " i said rolling my eyes. I turned to walk back to my room. 

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