chapter 16

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Week later


"Squeeze it in your almost there " Jasmine said as I breath in for her to zip up my dress.

"All done" she said.

I took my hair out the bun and shock my head letting it flow down into curls like they do in the TV shows. "How do I look" I asked. "Like a bag money bitch" she said making me laugh.

I had on  thigh length  skin tight red dress with some transparent diamonds for jewelry and some nude pumps .  Jasmine did my makeup that blended with my skin to give me a natural look.

"I'm really glad me and Jake hit it off I mean we have been constantly going on dates sense last week when I called him , he has a steady illegal job and Mason loves him its like a dream come true" I said about too tear up.

"Not huh mama let's not mess up my master piece I just did " Jasmine said fanning me. I cracked a smile as I heard the door bell ring.

"coming" I yelled. I got the door fixed my dress and hair and opened it with all smiles only to be created by snoop.

"Mason your dad here" I yelled. "coming" he replied.

"Damn ma you looking sexy tonight" he said. "Thanks" is all I said nothing trying to start a conversation. "Well hope you have fun tonight, but not too much fun I'm bringing Mason back at 12 you no I got business to handle at midnight" he said.

I nodded as I felt arms wrong around my legs. "You ready baby" I asked. "yes mommy byeee me and daddy will see you later" he said letting go and running and jumping into his father arms. I swear he liked him more than me sometimes...

"Bye" I said and shut the door locking it. "Well I got all my stuff packed I'm head home to my bae " Jasmine said i rolled my eyes.

This nigga got under rmy skin.

*Flash back*

"Hey bestie I want you to me my new boyfriend Rick or Ricky you can call him either one you want" Jasmine said. He extended his hand and took my hand shock it.

"Nice to meet you" I said giving him a friendly smile.

"Well you guys let's eat dinner" Jasmine said guiding us to the kitchen.

The whole night we laughed and talked and joked about old times and we met Jasmine had a little to much to drink so she decided to go to bed early.

"So Alicia... how good of friends are you and Jas really"? he asked.

"We're like sisters just because we didn't have the same mother or father we are still close in would die for for as she would do the same to me" I said

He nodded as if he didn't believe me. I took a seat on the couch turning on the TV to watch re-runs of Jersey shore Pauly sexy ass.

I suddenly felt the chair sink in as Rick sat beside me. "Um..." is all I could say. Talk about personal space.

"Look let's just get to the chase I seen how you was looking at me during dinner and when we first met that smile you gave me and how you swayed yo hips left and right to make sure i was looking I want you just as much as you want me so how about we take this party back over to my place" he said

with a deep romantic voice.

"Nahh home boy I'll pass I don't no what type shit you think this is but I don't get down like that I'm just take it as you've had to many few drinks so I'm just keep this lild conversation between me and yoh " I told him getting up.

Real Love With A Thug : 2(completed)Where stories live. Discover now