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"Soo how was it?" I ask Cal as I set him down on the couch between Chris and I.

"Fwun," Cal answers.

"That's it? You gonna tell us what you did?" Chris asked him.

"Well... we had ice cweam for dinner," Cal said with a small smile.

"You had what now?" I asked.

"You herd me," he laughed, causing Chris and I to laugh.

"The sass!" Chris laughed.

"Mama, whats for dinner?" Cal asked after he calmed down a bit.

"No clue, baby. Maybe you could help me pick later?" I answer.

"Yeshhh!!" He shouts.

"Hey, bud?" Chris asked kind of seriously.

"Hey yah," Cal replied.

"How would you feel about.." Chris started then looked at me, as if he needed approval to ask the question. "How would you feel about being a big brother?"

"Wike have a wittle sista? or bwotha!?" He giggles, extremely excited about the topic at hand.

"Yeah, you wouldn't feel sad about it?" I ask, wanting to make sure this is the right decision for everyone.

"Yesh! Then I don't have to see daddy awone!!" He smiles.

"Oh, you see Cal, the baby wouldn't go with you to your daddy's home. They would stay here," I say, instantly regretting it.

"But why not?" He asks starting to cry.

"No no no no don't cry, baby," I say pulling him into my lap, "because you have a different daddy, okay? Your biological, remember that big word we spoke about before?" He nods. "Your biological dad is Blake, but your papa is Chris, okay? But your little brother or sister's biological father would be Chris, do you kind of understand what I'm saying?" I ask.

"Do you wove me?" He squeaks quietly, causing my heart to shatter into 10 million pieces.

"Oh my god I love you so so much, I could never not love you. I have always loved you, why would you ask that?? I love you so so so much, baby," I sob as I hug him tighter.

"Becuse you sen me away now you want baby too."

"Oh Cal, I never wanted you to go to your daddy's place, and yeah we want to have a baby but that doesn't mean we don't love you, we love you so so much and nothing, no one can ever ever chance that, okay??"

"Yeah bud, we love you so much, not even another family member can change that," Chris adds.

"I wove you swo much mama and papa!" He smiles, "now what for dinner?"


『 Instagram: arrowversetrash
YouTube: TheBookieMonster 』


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