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"Okay, baby time for bed," I say to a obviously sleepy Cal.

"But I'm now even tiwerd!" Cal yawns.

"Oh I think you are, bud," Chris adds.

"Noh you arew!" Cal mumbles, struggling to keep his eyes open.

"Oookay you're going up to bed," I say as I pick him up.

"Mmmm" he replies.

"I'm going to bed too, night," I say to Chris, kissing is cheek.

"Night, I'll be up soon," Chris replies, obviously tired.

"Please don't stay up too late, okay?"



I woke up to the blaring sound of my alarm and my son calling out for me.

"MAMAA!" Cal cries from his room.

"Coming!" I shout back as I get up and walk down the hall into Cal's room. "What's wrong, baby?" I yawn, closing the door behind me.

"Wat was vat soun?" He asked looking up at me.

"My alarm, did it scare you?" I sit down on the side of his bed.

"Mhm," he frowns.

"I forgot to turn it off last night, I'm sorry," I apologise and hug him.

"Can I coms to you bwed?" He yawns.

"Sure, c'mon," I say picking him up and carrying him back to my room.

"Where is papa?" Cal asks rubbing his eyes.

"He is still downstairs working.. let's go see him," I say turning around.

"Chris?" I call out from the stairs.

"Papa?" Cal shouts.

"Shhhh, not too loud, baby. He might be sleeping."


We walk into the living room to see Chris, still on the couch- well, half on the couch. He has his legs hanging off the side and his laptop is somehow balancing on his lap, he had his head tilted all the way back with drool dripping down from the side of his face.

"Papa wook funny!" Cal giggled.

"You wanna wake him up?" I ask. Cal nods.

"Papaaaaaaaa!" Cal shouts stretching out his arms, wanting to be out on the ground.

"Papa!" He yells louder causing Chris to jump and knock his laptop into the ground.

"Oh shit," he mumbled.

"Vat a bwad word!" Cal scolds him.

"Oh hey bud, yeah it is, you just gave me a fright is all.." he said taking Cal from me.

"Why are you guys up? What even is the time?"

"4am" I reply.

"Forgot to turn off your alarm?" He smirks.


"Well what now?"

"Now, we go back to bed because it's 4am.." I laugh.

"Papa come to bed!" Cal giggles.

"Okay, okay I'll come to bed!" Chris said as he turned off his laptop and stood up.

"Mama," Cal said stretching out his arms wanting to be carried by me.

"Okay, baby," I says taking him back from Chris' arms.

"Mama?" Cal asked as I was tucking him into the middle of the bed.

"Yes, baby?"

"When do.. when do I get my wittle sistor?"

"Oh.. I don't-" I start, looking over to Chris who is smiling like a madman, "I don't know, baby. Why?"

"I wanna meet her," Cal yawns.

"Well, we can talk about this later but for right now it's time to go back to sleep, okay?"

"Okay, Mama.. night night."

"Night night, baby," I whisper kissing his forehead.

"Night, bud," Chris also whispers then kisses his forehead.

Gosh I love these boys more than anything..


『 Instagram: arrowversetrash
YouTube: TheBookieMonster 』


Melwood: Another ChanceOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora