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4 weeks later...

"Are you sure you're ready?" Chris asks as he enters the room, trying to tie his tie.

"Not like I have much of a choice, and I'm sorry but do you not know how to tie a tie?!" I shout laughing.

"Well, no," he answers flatly.

"Come here," I laugh as I finish tying his tie for him.


"Cal baby, come here please!" I shout into the hallway.

"Yes, mama?" He chirps as he runs into the room.

"Are you finished getting ready?" I ask looking from him to Chris.

"Yes," He says sadly.

"Listen, it's going to be okay. We can get ice cream afterwards, okay?" I say, trying to brighten his mood a little bit.

Today is the day we have to go to courthouse to see who will get custody of Cal, I still haven't heard from Blake or the court so I've decided to take that as a good thing.

"Well, we should head off now, don't want to be late especially for something as important as this." Chris says as he picks up Cal and takes him downstairs to get him to the car.

Before we leave I do one last sweep of the house, making sure everything is locked and that the dogs have enough water for a few hours. We decided that it would be best if Chyler came over to watch the dogs for a bit considering we didn't know how long this could take so I made sure to hide a key outside so she could get in and let the dogs out.

"Okay, you have everything?" I ask Chris as I get in the car and close the door.

"Yup" he replies.

"What about you, baby? You okay?" I ask looking through the mirror to see him in his car seat playing with his toys.

"I guess.." he replies slowly and goes back to his toys.

It honestly shatters my heart thinking about what could happen and what if things don't go our way, but I've made it my mission to only focus on the positive and believe that it will be in our favour, considering I'm Cal's primary caretaker.

After an hour and a half drive we arrive at the courthouse and we find a parking spot quite quickly. I get Cal out of the car, which was a whole other ordeal because he wouldn't stop crying and refusing to get out of the car, after a while he decided that he would get out if he could bring his 'little Grant' which is just a Flash plush that Grant bought for him when he was born. Once we made it inside and Cal had calmed down the lady at the front desk pointed us in the direction of where we needed to go.

As we were waiting outside the room the court officer came out and asked us to make our way in. As soon and we walked in I saw him, sitting there next to his lawyer. How can he do this? Just decide after two years that he wants to see our son and take him away from me, the person who raised him.

"Please make your way over to those seats," the officer said as he began to make his way to the front of the room. "All stand for the judge."

The judge enters the room and makes his way to the stands.

"You May be seated," He says professionally as he sits down himself.

After what seemed like forever and endless hours of tears and arguing the judge finally called for silence to make his final decision.

"After everything that has been presented to me today regarding the custody of Calum Blaine Benoist, the son of Melissa Marie Benoist and Blake Alexander Jenner. The Jury and I have decided that you will share custody of your child 50/50. Do either of you object? No? Good. Court dismissed," He shouts hitting his Gavel against the sound block.

My heart stops.. how can this be happening? I was so sure that it would be 100/0 but no, now I have to try and explain this to Cal and I know he isn't going to understand and he will just cry and want to stay with Chris and I but that legally cannot happen, why did Blake have to go and pull this?

Just like to say.. I have no idea how the heck court works, well court for fighting for custody of a child so I apologise for this chapter being all over the place and just it being overall terrible 😂😭


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