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"Cal bud, pancakes are ready!" Chris shouts down the hallway to get Cal's attention.

"Yayyy!!" I hear him yell as he runs out into the kitchen.

"How many do you want baby?" I ask him as I start to put pancakes on Chris' plate.

"Hmm free!" He says

"Three?!" I say, shocked he normally has one or one and a half but never three. I then realise how many Chris is having and I smile. "Is this because Chris is having three?" I ask while laughing.

"Umm maybe.. but can I please have freee?" He pouts, which gets me every time.

"Sure baby you can have three" I reply as I pile three of the smallest ones onto his plate and cover them with chocolate and whipped cream. Knowing that he won't finish all three I only gave myself one so whatever he didn't eat I would have. "Over to the table" I say as I carry our plates over and place his down in front of his char and help him up. After I sit down in my seat Chris comes over with his plate and sits on the other side of Cal.

"When are you going home?" Cal asks with a hint is sadness in his voice.

"I'm staying another night bud." Chris replies

"REALLY?" Cal shouts with the biggest smile on his face, causing Chris and I to burst out laughing.

"Yeah Chris is gonna stay one more night okay? But then he has to go because he has Drift at home." I say to Cal

"Drift! Mama can I see Drift again?" He asks excitedly.

"I don't know baby you're going to have to talk to Chris about it" I say not wanting to give him an answer and it worked out the other way.

"Chris?" He asks attempting to sound so sweet.

"Yeah bud you can see Drift again" Chris answers, smiling.

"Can I see him tomorrow as we drop you home?" Cal says while looking back at me.

"Oh baby, we're not dropping Chris home, he came here in his car remember?" I say slowly not wanting to upset him.

"Oh.. I can see him another time, right?" He asks regaining some of his confidence.

"Yeah absolutely bud, how about I bring him to set on Monday?" Chris suggests, making Cal light up like a Christmas tree with happiness.

"Yea yea yea!!" He shouts while popping a piece of his pancake into his mouth.

"Mama I'm full" Cal says as he pushes his plate over to me, a plate that still has two whole pancakes on it.

"That's Okay baby, you can go play now" I reply as I begin to eat his remaining pancakes. He gets down from his chair and goes off to his room, leaving Chris and I sitting across from each other.

"So" Chris says, breaking the silence.

"So" I reply as I try to hide a laugh.

"I know you said we would talk about this tomorrow, but, are you going to at least tell Cal that his dad wants to see him?" He says calmly, obviously not wanting to upset me.

"He is not his dad, he may have half his DNA but he is far from a father. You're more Cal's father than him." I say without thinking causing him to blush.
"I just mean that you have always been here for me and Cal from the day we met and Blake hasn't, a father isn't a father just because he has half of the kids DNA. Being a father is so much more than that." I say without realising I have tears falling down my face. Chris moves into the chair next to me and pulls me into a hug.

"Hey its okay, I understand what you're saying about Blake being far from a father, I get that but I also think that Cal deserves to know who his biological dad is, that doesn't mean I think that should entitle Blake to having custody of him or have regular visits but I think in the end he deserves to know." He says.

I understand what he is trying to say but how can I trust Blake?

"I get what you're saying but what if- what if Blake has changed and he is good now and because of that Cal gets mad and thinks that I've kept him from Blake and that he decides he wants to move in with him and leave me.. what if my baby decides to leave me?" I sob.

"Hey listen to me" Chris says as he grabs my face in his warm hands. "That beautiful boy upstairs absolutely loves you, he loves you so much and he will not want to leave you, maybe when he is old enough to understand he will think you kept him from Blake but I'm certain if you just explain it to him when you think he is ready he will understand why you did what you did. Because that boy is just like you, he is so caring he is so kind and he has the second biggest heart in the world, taking right after you and trust me if anything happens or if someone hurts you or Cal, they will have to deal with me because I love Cal and I love you" He pauses. "I love you, Melissa. I love you" He says with tears threatening to come out of his eyes.

He loves me? How can anyone love me especially in the situation I am right now.

"I- I love you too" I manage to stutter out.

Chris brings my face closer to his and our lips move in sync. It was like I had been waiting for all eternity for this moment, and it wasn't just a kiss for the sake of a kiss, it had a deeper meaning. After we pulled away he just looked at me with the dopiest grin on his face.

"What?" I ask, laughing

"I've wanted to do that for ages" He laughs as he leans his forehead against mine. Then it dawns on me, Chyler was right. Shit. All this time of me denying it and she was right.

"Hey you okay?" He asks, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Oh yeah I was just thinking about something."

"What were you thinking about?" He asks carefully.

"Well, Chyler has been saying for quite some time now that you like me and I like you and I would always deny it but I guess she was right" I laugh, covering my mouth with my hands.

"Well she has her moments" he chuckles.

"So what does this mean for us?" I ask, genuinely confused.

"Oh, so there is an 'us' now?" He smirks.
"I guess so" I giggle

"Well, I like that" he says as he pulls me into a hug.

"Me too" I reply smiling into his chest.

{thank you for making it through this crazy long chapter, there might not be an update for a while because I'm really busy over the next few days but I'll try to update when I can. Thanks}

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